Apr 15, 2009 00:02
- 09:33 @ millarca I went to HS with a girl who looked like DB. She dated my senior-year crush & was an overall bitch. #
- 09:53 @ ahough404 Because they don't understand how the internet works? #
- 10:40 @ violentlyserene secession. Secede. #
- 13:26 I still prefer @powells over amazon, and I always will, but who doesn't like free stuff? bit.ly/Ydcc1 763 free songs! #
- 14:25 @ didicantdrive do you go to the U of O? #
- 14:52 oh those wacky norwegians: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7996815.stm #
- 17:29 @ violentlyserene where?! And why isn't he completely naked?! Or is this one of those "he's not naked; he's wearing a cowboy hat" situations? #
- 18:41 @ violentlyserene what about laws that are passed because of one very specific situation, like the Schaivo thing? #
- 18:42 @ violentlyserene or laws that don't provide for any enforcement or funding - NCLB for instance #
- 19:46 RT @aplusk in addition 2 the dingdongditch if I beat cnn I will buy 1000 bed nets on april 25 world malaria day www.malarianomore.org #
- 21:17 @ violentlyserene neither wiki nor imdb indicate such #
- 21:27 dear neighbors: I can hear your phone conversation through my floor. Don't you dare make false complaints about me again. Fuckers. #
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