YOU DO THIS name: age: reason for LJ username: AIM sn: reason for AIM sn: do you enjoy reading my LJ: why: interesting fact about you: weird fact about you: quote: will you post this in your LJ:
RECOMMEND 1. a movie: 2. a book: 3. a musical artist, song, or album: 4. an LJ user not on my friends list: 5. something to do in the next two
An embarrassment from mute and choking on silence and the reflection is distorted breathing in second hand smokes form fitting to your face where desperation is the act of the dead
Funny how things can end so quickly And you will see me laugh about it and live on You wallow in the shadows and bicker about the past I am better than you Calling me out behind my back and to cowered to speak Go run scared in your sea of vex Leave what you will never have again