The Shag, Marry, Cliff Meme
1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 fictional people
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.
Taken from
phoenix089 and she offered me... evil option of Ulquiorra, Ichigo and Grimmjow =D
Here we go... )
Comments 6
Also, I totally agree with these words: Ulquiorra didn't accept any woman in his heart beside his woman. Trufax like fax that had never been spoken XD
LOL at your reasoning behind Grimmy. It's true though, he hasn't ever shown which side he plays for has he? Married life with Grimmjow would certainly be interesting *o*
As for your last ... Support! I like Ichigo, generally speaking, but he need's to get over his hero-complex, imo. He can't save the world anymore than he can help the fact that he misses Rukia. He can only do what he can, and he should just be happy with what he does achieve instead of lamenting about what he couldn't.
While I can image a marriage life with both Uqluiorra & Ichigo, with Grimmjow, it's never the *house improvement* one. More like a road trip across the country XD
TBH, Ichigo would be the biggest threat if I were married Grimmjow. *Reason add to my previous post* The scary thing is it isn't a joke. LOL. He was there by DEFAULT, but I did have hard time to chose whether I should marry him or push him to the cliff in order to make him open his eyes and accept what he was instead of being complex over it, be it his emo-ness or hero-complex. I'm not patient and wise like Rukia to get through his head.
Who says you have to choose? >8)
The Grimmjow reason is cute, tbh. XD
Plus Ichigo would survive the cliff fall anyway. xp
If the fanboi didn't hype his violence, you can see him as a cute kitty :> since he craves for attention XD e.g. with Ulquiorra & Ichigo.
I'm aware that pushing all of those three off the cliff wouldn't kill either any of them. Just a metaphor for "I want to kick his butt" XD
Btw, do you want to do this meme? Since you've comment mine after all.
Well, I tagged you anyway *ebilz* Feel free to refuse ;P
Let's see. How about Ulquiorra of Bleach, Gajeel of Fairy Tail and Flynn Rider of Rapunzel ;p
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