O___________________O Whoa... you really went all out on this. (Read the first part too XD) OwO AND IT'S FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! MY GOD, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT, BUT MAN, YOU'RE DAMN GOOD AT THIS. You made some exceptionally interesting points!!! HERE HAVE SOME COOKIES AND CAKE, BRILLIANT.
Thank you for your cookie & cake! Thank you for putting up with my long rant! I didn't realize that it turned out such long when I typed on whatever thoughts I collected on this Ulquiorra backstory/UlquiHime DJ.
However, I'm glad that I could let all out, such the comic is such orgasm to our heart ;p
I loved reading this, everything makes sense now. But theres one thing I noticed you didnt mention. It goes along with Ulqui's subconcious quest for a companion. I think he saw orihime's heart as her reason of happiness. But when she, explained what a heart was (in hueco mundo) she said it was her bond with her nakama. Something he desperatly searched for, a conpanion. Which explains his "happiness" when with the brush. Then in the ash/heart he FOUND the heart in his hand. It was rhe connection and realization that Orihime was his companonion. She wasn't afraid of him, and just for that moment they were no longer enemies. they were finallt nakama, and he foumd his heart. . . . Its sad he wasnt able to stick around, whuch is why I think KT will bring Ulqui back xD <333
sorry, I wanted to redo the first post so I sent a second. So I would prefer you read and pick the second one lol it's a lot better... anyways if you like to, you can even put my theory into your blog, I don't mind. Hope you like it :)
Read your second revised post, thought my reply is on your first post though. Hope you can see & read it. Anyway, thanks again for your comment! Since I'm only one woman, there might be some tibits that I couldn't notice by myself so I'm very appreciate of your post and thought about Ulquiorra and his quest of companion with Orihime.
You're kidding, right??? No, you aren't. Did Tite Kubo-san really made the doujinshi?!?!?!?!? Okay, it's official!!! Love the way Kubo-san drew Ulquiorra~!!!!! I already saw the link, but I wish it was translated in english. Oh, well. I LOVE THE DOUJINSHI~!!!!!!!!
Comments 9
OwO AND IT'S FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! MY GOD, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT, BUT MAN, YOU'RE DAMN GOOD AT THIS. You made some exceptionally interesting points!!!
However, I'm glad that I could let all out, such the comic is such orgasm to our heart ;p
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