Title: The midsummer night
Pairing: Ohmiya, also with the appearance of Sho Sakurai
Genre: crack
Plot: Ohno and Nino drank to much Martini and got into Sakurai's room looking for the platform 9 & 3/4
A/N: Fic thanks to fabulous
excence who gave me this idea and gave a vent to my rhyming soul. lol
What is that? Is it a train?
No, this was just the sound of rain,
but it did not matter for the two
who have just entered someone's room
flattening themselves against the wall
screaming for meeting Dumbledore.
They looked confused, red, a little sleepy too.
Their faces shone in a light of the moon
which had slipped suddenly through the window by
the curtains drawn by Sho Sakurai.
He had woke up and there he was mere
asking the burgles, 'Whatya doin' here?'
Nino blinked his eyes while Ohno yawned.
Trully, their reason was quite piquant
but they did not mean to make any harm
to the room's resident, nor raise the alarm.
Sho sniffed the air and finally got
that the guilty of crime were few martini shots.
'How much did you drink?' he suspicioully asked.
Looking at his companions it surelly must
have been quite a lot, what they had proved
by burping loudly, straight into unmoved
face of Sakurai. The boy sighted
and facepalmed ignoring the two excited.
They looked like they had already forgot
'bout angry Sakurai and keeping their plot
both started groping the walls in the dark
searching attentively for a spot or mark
of something in the shape of gateway or any corners
while Nino screaming 'Come!... Platform of nine and three quarters!'
Sho breathed heavily and his eyes became big,
his pulse got faster and cheecks looked like a tig.
He turned on the lights and with a serious look
he screamed aloud "Get out you two and finish this snook!
I don't care for your train or how much you are drunk!
Just stop stripping Nino, it won't help, or you both will be sunk!"
Their happy faces faded and they both felt
a little bit sleepy while Sho's look dwelt
on the two getting ready to leave him alone.
Then the floor shook and they heard a groan
of the walls which moved and in front of their eyes
slowly, ardously came the biggest surprise,
The boys rubbed their eyes, they couldn't believe!
Nino looked sobered up and groping his friend's sleeve
asked coyly "Is this what I think?" Ohno nodded his head.
A big locomotive painted in black and red
had just reached the platform and more or less
it looked indeed like a Hogwart Express.
Sho came closer but he could not understand.
He thought he is dreaming and maybe the sand
of the Sandmand already got too far inside his brain
or maybe his friends secretly added some cocaine
to his evening tea? The big hairy man came into view
and introduced himself as Hagrid, or the gods know who.
The guy looked scary and was few meters high.
Sho could not utter a single word in reply.
He turned around and with his breath bated
tried to localize the two who had faded
in the mist of the train. The train's light was about to dim
when he saw his two friends weaving at him.
They were sticking out through the window, looking happily
while the train was departing and Sho tried rationally
think of any logical sense of this funny show.
In truth, leaving the platorm he knew what he saw.
He came back to his room and headed towards the cabinet.
At least it was well-stocked after last banquette
(and probably was real.)
He took a huge draft of a scottish whiskey
then looked at a clock, it was four a.m. sixteen.
Sho took a blanket lying down on his bed
trying to remember to take some med
in the morning. It was a hot night at July
and the last summer drink of Sho Sakurai
and the last western movie he saw this year
before he threw the DVD out saying 'Never again'.