I've just been watching ep 6x07. If you've not seen it, this drabble isn't going to make much sense.
Title: Choice
Author: Jenny Dybedahl
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing: Chase/House (pre-slash)Rating: PG
It's not that he doesn't understand the consequences of his choice. It's that they don't matter anymore.
He'd thought the marriage could give him a new center of gravity. Of course, choosing Cameron was also just another way of staying within the same orbit, her obsession keeping her circling around their shared focus as much as he was.
They'd been a great couple. Two addicts, both hooked on the same drug - no, the same man.
If only she hadn't made him choose.
She's moving on now. Moving out. Why, then, does it feel as if he's the one leaving her?