This time it's Torchwood. You'll need to have seen 1x10, "Out of Time", for it to make sense.
Title: Keepsake
Author: Jenny Dybedahl
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Owen/Dianne
Set after 1x10, "Out of Time"
Wordcount: 100
He keeps the white scarf. Every now and then (but not too often, he's not sentimental, not him) he'll bury his face in it, smell her scent, her mixture of cigarettes and lipstick with a hint of oil.
After a few weeks it no longer smells like her. Like all Owen's possessions, it's taken on his own particular mix of aftershave, beer and stale Hub air. He stops keeping it with him, but he never quite makes up his mind to get rid of it.
It's not exactly that he clings to it. It's just that he's got nothing else.