Bill has the absolute coolest shirt ever. It's a red Sneaker Pimps T that says "love is just a bloodsport." He was wearing it yesterday and I wanted to rip it off of him
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so it was just confirmed that he is a complete and utter scumbag. I felt like throwing up. I bet that's what it was like the entire time we dated. so disgusted. This will never happen again. ever.
I feel good. I am really finished with that shit. blocked. for. good. sleaze ball. shoulda realized this months and months ago! :) work was good tonight. I made a fuck load. I have had a few drinks and feel great. nothing like a depressant to help make me feel so good! working doubles are hard work! the end. ps I love morrissey. I miss sex.
We made it home alive, but just barely! That was some trip... Wayyyyy too much time with the kids haha It's great that they love me so, but I felt utterly smothered
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Whatever shall I do without internet for a week!? It's going to be great to lounge on the lake and spend the week with my babies! Time to shower, pack and go to sleep!