Should you be drinking at a party where a trampoline is readily available, I caution you to be weary of that combination. Apparently jumping up in the air while intoxicated cause some people to void their bladders.
I don't know why I am so darn tired lately, but I slept for 10+ hours last night. Then I got up, did dishes, did laundry, ate a cinnamon bun and cleaned up Saidie puke. Oh, the life of domestic bliss
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I'm fully addicted to facebook. But, I don't like to add people, I just want then to ask to add me. And then I reject them if I don't care to put them on my list
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OMG - what a way to start a morning; watching Jarhead with Jake Gyllenhaal. It's too bad I stopped dating Army boys in 2000. They're hot, but not marriage material.
Well, yesterday was my birthday and for the 2nd time in my life I didn't feel really excited about. Normally, I have the birthday countdown and don't stfu about it - but sliding into the 30s has been tough for me. I hate aging. boo
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