Oct 10, 2004 05:28
it's 5:30 and I've cleaned the whole house. I just sorted my socks.
Thank you to Kate Miller. You are good at listening to me bitch for 3 hours.
Oct 07, 2004 13:36
Big steps are not a good thing, in log rolling.
Oct 05, 2004 16:49
I'm joining the army reserves....ha...ha...ha
Oct 04, 2004 11:47
I skipped class this morning because I was up too late working on my costume. Fortunatly for me it is going to kick ass. Now the only thing to do is make plans for halloween and I am set.
Oct 01, 2004 12:15
Dear Hollywood,
Make good movies.
From Jen
Sep 25, 2004 16:54
Grape and Wine is this weekend. Slepping in until 1 is nice and showering is even better.
I'm goign to start going there more....umm..just because.
I downloaded so many albums yesterday. Now I just have to go to Sonic with the money I don't have to replace them with the actuals./
Being a gansta is hella tight.