(no subject)

Apr 16, 2004 14:29

answers to all of your questions...
What's your favorite kind of cookie? sugar, because i hate chocolate
Ocean or pond/lake? ocean
What's your favorite animal? hippos!

If you could have anything you wanted, what would it be? happiness
why do you write? (<3 writing, meself) because i cant express what i want to through talking to people, and so i write to attempt at expressing what i want, or just to get frustration and other such emotions, out
um... what is your favorite anime/manga? chobits

is there a point to this?? no, but you can learn oh so much about me! :)
hmmm...is there anyone at school you think of like that...? unfortunately yes
why coulnt eric get any???why? because he is a loser

What do you do that makes you happy? (hobby, ect.) being around people i care about
If you could change your name, what would you change it too?..or would you keep your own name? i honestly dont know, i really like aritys name but i think ill just stick to boring old jennifer
What's your favorite poem you have written? umm, well i dont have a favorite. different poems appeal at different times because of what im feeling. if i can really relate to it at that time, then it is my favorite for that moment. for now its the most recent one i have posted.

What's your favorite book and why? my favorite book, i dont have one just because there are so many good books out there, i couldnt possibly pick one.
What's your favorite poem (not by you) and why? i like if i love you by ee cummings just because it is beautifully written and i just plain old like it
Name five of your artistic influences. (I like that question; it makes me think.) writing? or actual art? ill do a combination of both. 1.any author i read 2. my grandmother 3. dr suess (because i read him all the time) 4. my dad (for his art/photography) 5. mc escher...(sp?)

What's your favorite local band? favorite local band? gah, i dont know i like jva and sojh, there is a lot of them
What is the one thing you enjoy the most? being with friends
What's your favorite movie? lotr, ttt, rotk
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