january 1?!

Jan 01, 2006 17:39

so it's a new year!
this year's been fun. i pretty much changed everything in the past year.
i need better things so say in my entires.
but i felt obliged to make one since it's the new year.
new years resolution: ace it up.

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Comments 5

pippinpirate January 1 2006, 23:29:32 UTC
Happy new years! ^_^


a_new_musical January 1 2006, 23:42:39 UTC
mmm, bring on the ace!


ACE?! purple_bo0m January 2 2006, 05:52:30 UTC
dont we ALL need to bring a little more aceface cheer into our lives??? and not ONLY during the holidays, but ALL DAYS! (oh god..)

resolution #1: Pile on the Ace.


wooopwooop dazed_c0nfused January 2 2006, 15:52:45 UTC
my mom gave me a hello kitty wallet? i laughed really hard. i thought it was a joke. maybe i'll give it to you, buti may just keep it. it's not a cool plastic one, it's...weird!
want to bake a cake today?


Re: wooopwooop jennylane_ January 2 2006, 17:08:31 UTC
i live for baking. but only if its a vanilla cake.


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