You are right about doctors. They can and do tell you anything, especially when they don't know. I see it all the time. My favorite thing to tell patients is this, "We don't know everything and this therapy the doctor ordered may not work. Here is an alternative therapy if this does not work..." and then I give them 2 or 3 more therapy choices. I think patients like to have a plan B, C and D. I wish doctors would be more proactive. There are some great ones out there but they are scarce. Most of the good ones have more well rounded education, like Blake Mann. My motto is, ask the doctor what his undergrad degree was.........if it was pre-med, find another doctor, if it was a libral or art degree, keep them. Merry Christmas!
I think the TV advertisers assume that you'll be getting up to pee or go get a snack, so they have to make them loud enough to be heard from the kitchen and bathroom...or just the kitchen if you're planning to pee in the sink.
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