SUMMARY: The TARDIS crash-lands on Atlantis. Heroes AU (SGA), Forever AU (DW)
The sirens started blaring at 2 AM. Internal sensors had detected an intruder in Atlantis.
Colonel John Sheppard led a security force -- complete with his teammates Teyla Emmagen and Ronon Dex -- down to the sector of the city the sensors had pinpointed. He chuckled in fond amusement when the fourth member of his team joined them about a hundred yards out. "What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like?" Doctor Rodney McKay snapped softly. "Coming with you."
"Rodney, you're not a soldier--" John began, but Rodney cut him off.
"You're right. I'm not. But I could prove...." He held his arm close to his body, where only John could see the slight pulse of energy around his wrist. ".....useful."
"You could, at that. Okay, fall in."
The security force set up tactical positions around the doorway beyond which the sensors indicated the intruder was. John began a silent countdown.
The door abruptly blew open to reveal two red-haired people -- a tall man and a stunning woman. Both were bleeding and visibly battered. "Please," the woman said as the man looked behind them. "Please, we need help...."
Instantly, Teyla stepped forward. "What is wrong? What has happened?"
"Our ship," the man said, gesturing behind them with his head. "The controls exploded.... we-we need a safe place to rest and rebuild...."
In the room behind them sat a rather small, plain blue box. Small and plain -- if one discounted the black smoke billowing from it.
John was about to call fire-suppressant down, but the man shook his head as if reading his mind. "The fire's contained. It'll be out in a few minutes." He turned to smile a charming smile at them.
"Terribly sorry," he went on, "for the abrupt entrance. We were truly in trouble and needed to make an emergency landing."
"Let's get you checked out," John said as he watched the blue door slide closed seemingly on its own. He turned to the man and asked calmly, "Telekinetic?"
"No," the man answered. "Semi-sentient ship. She's wounded and exhausted."
John nodded. "I understand."
That stopped the man cold. ""
John nodded. "I've had....dealings.. with a sentient ship myself." Ignoring Lantea's amused ripple of laughter in his mind, he herded the pair toward the Informary. "I'm Colonel John Sheppard."
"Doctor John Noble," the man said. "And this is my sister, Donna." The woman inclined her head as she was introduced.
"Doctor Rodney McKay," he introduced himself. "You've met Teyla Emmagan. This is Ronon Dex."
They arrived at the infirmary, where Carson blinked at them, then broke into a dazzling smile. "Well. It's been awhile!"
The Doctor broke into a grin and pumped his hand. "Beckett! Intern Beckett! What are you doing here?"
"Doctor Beckett, now. I'm chief of medicine of this outpost. You've not changed a day, Doctor. Donna."
"Carson," she smiled.
"You do, however, look as though you've been through the bloody wars. Hop up, let me check you out."
John blinked. "Wait -- you know them?"
"Aye. I did my internship in England. The Doctors Noble here would pop in and out on a consultant basis." He listened to Donna's heart, then moved the stethescope to the other side of her chest and listened again. "So....what brings you here?"
"We were battling some old enemies," Donna said as Carson examined her wounds and then moved to the Doctor. "One got off a lucky shot -- right through the open door. Nailed the console. Next thing we now, we have to do a cold landing -- and here we are."
"By the by... uh, Carson...." the Doctor began.
Carson shook his head, smiling. "It's 2007 and you're on Atlantis."
The Doctor frowned. "Atl--" then memory seemed to hit him. "The Pegasus Galaxy?"
"Cor!" Donna erupted. "We're a ways from home!"
The Doctor frowned. "But -- I didn't think mankind had gotten out this far this early!"
Carson gave a negligent little shrug. "Technically, we haven't."
Donna nodded. "On the hush-hush, then."
"Ah!" the Doctor said, nodding in realisation. "So, Carson, how do we check out?"
Carson stepped back. "Well, you're both burned, bloody and battered. When the adrenaline wears off, you're both gonna be in a world of hurt." He looked around. "I should still have some arsenic in the supplies...."
"Arsenic?" John and Rodney yelped together, making the trio startle. They'd forgotten they weren't alone!
The Doctor rubbed the back of his neck. "You want this one?"
Donna snorted. "Red-letter day, this! John Noble, afraid to open his gob!"
"I'm tired, that's all!" he shot back.
Rodney chuckled. "Oh, yeah. They're definitely siblings."
The redheads shared a smile, then Donna looked at them. "We're only half-human. We have two hearts and are allergic to most human painkillers. Arsenic, for us, is our version of aspirin."
Teyla nodded slowly. "So what is fatal for us is beneficial for you."
Rodney then asked, "If you're only half-human, what's your other half?"
"Time Lord," the Doctor said. "Gallifreyan."
John frowned, and Ronon shook his head. "Never heard of it."
"Nor have I," Teyla said.
But Rodney snapped his fingers. "Like that consultant who used to work at UNIT in England in the '60s and '70s! Gallifreyan, but called himself John Smith."
The Doctor nodded. "But not like him. Am him. Smith just changed to Noble."
"Impossible, he was an older--" Rodney blinked. "Time Lord. Temporal travel along a personal timeline. Of course."
The Doctor opened his mouth, and Donn shook her head slightly but quickly, so he shut it. Best to let Rodney think he was correct about the "personal timeline" part of it.
The adrenaline was wearing off and he really didn't feel like arguing anyway.
Carson treated them and settled them down to rest and heal.
Donna beckoned Teyla over. "Our ship... keep it safe until we wake?"
She nodded. "We shall."
Donna smiled. "Looks like we're stuck here awhile...." And she was asleep.
Teyla relayed her message, and John sighed, nodding even as Carson chased AR-1 out of the Infirmary.
The Doctor's sleepy eyes watched them go, and he frowned. there was something starnge about John and Rodney. But what?
He yawned. Oh, well.... he'd figure it out when he was more awake.
And he let sleep pull him under.