
Jan 25, 2010 13:53

Mitten found! I can stop my whining! Also, last night I finished knitting my slippers! They're less than perfectly comfortable, but they were a learning experience, and next time I'll do better.

Have had too much caffeine and I feel sick. Blah.

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Comments 3

randomloves January 25 2010, 19:24:11 UTC
Yay and Yay and boo. Stop with the caffeine Jen...says the woman with a strange and unnervig addiction to wine gums that does nothing for her waistline. *snort*

I'm relieved that the mitten was found!


kate952 January 25 2010, 22:25:19 UTC
Hurrah for mitting finding! I'm so impressed with your ability to knit; crocheting has me hooked (sorry, couldn't resist) mostly because it doesn't require nearly as much coordination or concentration. And to make mittens?? With thumbs????

*iz impressed*


enyalie January 26 2010, 00:41:23 UTC
Glad the mitten was found ;-)

I hate that sick to my stomach feeling from too much caffeine... so I know exactly how you feel ;-)


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