Total Ellipse of The Heart.

Sep 30, 2007 20:41

I should have written sooner, but man, life got in the way. And life is mostly very good.

Right now, I would just give anything to be in our own apartment this very moment. Not a week from yesterday. There are things I need such as privacy and space. A sense of relaxation, that I don't get living out of suitcases in my parents' basement. But oh well. We drove by the new apartment complex yesterday and it is indeed worth the wait. Just six more days.

The best word I can use to describe us being back here is... trippy. Everything is new but not really. Familiar, but somehow different. Cozy but also invigorating. There are so many things I will never take for granted again.

Everyone seems surprised that we came back here. And that's a good thing. There are some questions. Granted I used to be rather... vocal... in my adamancy about going away and staying gone. But I tell people the truth- that I never thought I'd come back, that this was not a decision we made lightly, and that I'm very happy in spite of it all. And they listen. And they believe me. I daresay, they seem impressed.

One person told me last night that J and I look wonderfully healthy and happy. That was awesome to hear. Validating, for sure. I've made no bones to people - family friends and otherwise - that I am not here to get dragged back into the same dramas, depressions or otherwise destructive patterns. I am open, with most, about the fact that I've learned a thing or two in the years I've been away and that I fully intend on applying everything I've gained to our new situation. So far, it's going over well.

It isn't seamless. I am fretting about the job situation even though I shouldn't worry. Mostly, I need a job to keep me busy and provide extra income. The debt we incurred from this move will not pay itself off and down payment on a house won't magically materialize unless we work at it. I correctly anticipated the barrage of questions from people about my career path. What are YOU going to do with YOUR LIFE NOW??????. For all intents and purposes, here is what I'm doing and what I'm informing people. I have compiled my resume, clips and cover letter. Every print publication within a reasonable radius will be receiving a copy this week.

Every newspaper, magazine and otherwise viable media outlet will be made aware of my presence in town. If anyone has anything for me, well that'd be nifty. However, I fully anticipate that no one is hiring and I absolutely look forward to my next career adventure. Whatever that may be. My last job was pretty much the coolest thing ever. I'd be hard pressed to find an opportunity in journalism that would live up, and I'm not in a big hurry to try and find one anyway. A break from the biz may actually be nice.

Anyway. I've been running twice since we got here. I did better than expected considering I'm not used to the altitude. That and the fact that my only physical activity for the past three weeks has been packing boxes and loading moving trucks. I actually managed two miles with a short break in the middle. The first day my lungs burned and I wanted to die. The next one went actually a lot better. Yay me.

We picked the perfect time of year to come back. Everything is crisp but not too cold. There are more trees than I remembered and every one is either nice and green or on the cusp of turning for the season. I will savor every bit of autumn before that old harsh ugly winter comes about. I am excited for the homecoming parade next weekend and even more excitingly, the USED BOOK SALE.

There are already many plans in the works to keep me busy and social. Although anti-social by nature, I'm really quite excited to see everyone and catch up on life. Apparently this move has made me smarmy.

Nevertheless. My life is so very full right now. There's room for everyone, but if you miss the boat, that's not my problem.
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