Name Four Things That You Wished You Had:
- an X-BOX for Eli
- more money
- a Chocolate Elvis Smoothie from Planet Smoothie
- my own house
Name Four Smells You Love:
- Burberry (ELI)
- Wild Berry
- Vanilla
- The Rain
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About:
- My boyfriend who is the next room working diligently and I wish I could just go make out with him... hee heee
- working out tonight...and if I'm going to be able to keep up
- getting married
- how much money we have to save to go out this weekend
Name Four Things You Did Today:
- elbowed Eli in the chin on accident
- worked
- tried to call Kristen
- read everyone's journals
- hair: shoulder lengeth, flipped up in layers, side bangs, dark brown
- height: 5'10
- favorite feature: my smile
- did: made copies
- read: MSN news
- watched on tv: Daredevil
- kill: my bladder
- hear from: KRISTEN!
- look like: Jennifer Aniston
- be like: myself
- last song you heard: some really good one on the BLITZ and I don't know the name...
- last movie you saw: Daredevil
- last movie you saw on the big screen: 28 Days Later - STUPID!!!
- last thing you had to drink: water from the drinking fountain
- last thing you ate: chicken teriayki leftovers
- last time you cried: Friday night
- last time you smiled: on break
- last time you laughed: on break
- last time you danced:'s been a few weeks
- last person you hugged: Nate
- last thing you said: Thank you to a compliment
- last person you talked to online: it's been too long
- last thing you smelled: Eli
-last cigarette: on break
- last car ride: to work this morning
- last good cry: way too long ago, if a good cry does exist?
- last library book checked out: it's been like 3 years
- last book read: it's been too long
- last cuss word uttered: Damn
- last crush: ELI ELI ELI
- last phone call: Eli called to see if it was break time yet
- last time showered: this morning
- last shoes worn: I have my black heart shoes from Weathervain on
- last cd played: Faith Hill
- last item bought: Gum out of the machine
- last downloaded: it's been too long
- last annoyance: stupid girls
- last disappointment: arguing w/ Eli
- last thing written: journal entry
- last key used: Backspace
- last word spoken: It's been awhile
DO YOU...?
- smoke: yes
- do drugs: nope
- sleep with a stuffie: Eli is my stuffie :)
- have a dream that keeps coming back: no, but my dreams have been VERY vivid the last week
- believe there is life on other planets: i don't think so
- read the newspaper: rarely
- have any gay or lesbian friends: yep
- believe in miracles: yes
- believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yes
- consider police a friend or foe: haven't really had any run ins with them
- like the taste of alcohol: yes!
- believe in astrology: not really
- pray: uh huh
- go to church: yes
- have any secrets: yes
- have any pets: no
- go to or plan to go to college: hopefully soon
- have a degree: not yet
- wear hats: not usually
- have any piercings: ears
- have any tattoos: one - on my lower back
- hate yourself: often
- wish on stars: nope
- like your handwriting: usually
- believe in witches: yep
- believe in Satan: yep
- believe in ghosts: no
- trust others easily: ..too much i think
- like sarcasm: use it often...just ask Eli about our rides home
- take walks in the rain: no, but that sounds like fun
- kiss with your eyes closed: most of the time
- sing in the shower: if I feel like singing.