Title: First Kiss
hotfruitsRating: PG for kissing?
Pairing: Koyato ♥
Disclaimer: Nope
Summary: You wonder, even to this day, what possessed him to kiss you at that moment.
Written for the
Koyato first kiss prompt.
x-posted to
jent_fanfics and
wasurenaisa Your first kiss wasn't anything special, if anything it was really weird. There wasn't an orchestra playing as you danced the night away in each others arms. There weren't any fireworks igniting the sky, shimmering down colorful lights as your lips met his. You weren't dying of cancer or anything, his kiss the last thing you feel as your eyes slowly shut close.
No, nothing like that happened. You were both sitting inside his bedroom, watching some American film as you both ate your way through your third bag of popcorn. The movie wasn't really that great, something about a prostitute that charges way too much money, especially when she's not even that hot. You're halfway through the film when he gets up, announces he's going to the bathroom. You wave him off, shoving another handful of popcorn into your mouth as you partially watch the film.
You wonder, even to this day, what possessed him to kiss you at that moment. You weren't very attractive, and your hair was sweaty from dancing all day. You also smelled bad since you hadn't bothered to change your clothes or even shower. You just ate your own weight in popcorn, shoveling handfuls into your mouth like some kind of animal. It was a pretty ugly scene, literally, but he sat down on the bed in front of you and grabbed your cheeks, turning you to face him before he kissed you.
The kiss itself wasn't much of anything either. Just a gentle press of lips, no exchange of tongue or gropey hands. He kissed you one second and it was over the next, and you starred at him with confused eyes as he smiled shyly.
"Shige is very cute," was all he said before getting up and leaving the room, and from across the hall you could hear the bathroom door close.
You were confused as hell, and a little upset that your first kiss was taken without your permission by your best friend. But a small part of you, which over the years grew bigger, didn't mind it at all. So when he came back and sat down beside you, his cheeks bright red, you laughed.
"Why are you laughing?" he asked and you replied, "Kei-chan is very cute," before slipping your hand into his.
It wasn't much, but it was enough and you wouldn't change that first kiss for the world.