Title: Distant Thunder
Author: Jenthegypsy
Characters: (future)Kate, mention of Sawyer
Word Count: 150, including title
A/N: Angst. My anti-Kate friends should read it anyway! Hell, it's only 150 words! &hearts
Written for
zelda_zee's Lost Riffs, residing at
lostsquee, using Day One prompt #2 - Water, Hands, Music, Green.
Sometimes she remembers the way his hands encircled her waist as they played in the water beneath the falls. The memory of that carefree moment swirls to the surface whenever she hears the distant rumble of thunder, so like the sound of the waterfall pounding down around them in that chilled, jade green pool, a hundred thousand lifetimes ago.
Sometimes she hears him laugh and call "Come on, girl!", only to wake with a start, almost seeing him standing at the edges of her dream. Then the thunder rolls and she remembers where she is and where she is not. She wonders if he ever wakes to the song of a sudden summer storm, remembering the woman that she used to be.