It's been so long, I hardly remember how to do this. Thanks to
hendercats for the beta and the encouragement and to
isis2015 for the awesome icon.
Double drabble for
lostfichallenge #55-darkness. Spoilers for S3 finale, Through the Looking Glass.
His view of the world is narrow. Life is simple. The days are warm, there is food when he is hungry, a snug bed when he is tired. A voice, sweet and low, sings him to sleep when darkness falls. He's surrounded by people who make him happy. When he laughs, they laugh, and that makes him happiest of all.
The feeling comes after they have been on the move for hours, all of them, starting out near day's end and moving on through the night, then back into the light. There is something in the air that he doesn't understand, taking away all of the smiles and the laughter. He is confused, but she says everything is okay. It must be so.
That's when it happens; the flash and the darkness and the sudden sense of loss. Even if he can't name those things, he feels them.
He gives voice to his despair in the only way that he can.
"Shhhhhh. Hey Aaron, it's okay sweetie.” She tells him again and again and for the first time, he knows that it isn't so. It isn't okay. There will be no more sweet lullabies.
Charlie won't be coming home.