
Dec 07, 2009 12:31

Breathing is kinda necessary...

To anyone who might be wondering, I am in fact still alive. It was touch and go for a bit, I had a "massive" (my doctor's term not mine) pulmonary embolism--that's a blood clot to the lung if you didn't know. I didn't know the symptoms, and thought my inability to catch my breath was anxitey due to being in a hellish escrow that wouldn't end. Then I had what I thought was a panic attack which tripped me out 'cause I've never been that person (no disrespect to people who do have anxiety, but I've never had anything like it before). That was actually the clot, measuring 3.2 cenimeters stuck in an artery somewhere in my body and my heart racing like crazy to push it through so it didn't stop blood flow. A few days after that I started experiencing crazy levels of pain in my back rib cage. After 12 hours of that I decided it wasn't going away on it's own and it wasn't "normal." (I know, I'm a smart one.) So, off to the emergency room I went. Long story short, I was in the hospital for 4 days the first 2.5 on lots of pain killers. As soon as I started to feel better I pushed my doctors to realase me.

I'm on blood thinners now, and the doctors (multiple doctors) suspect that what caused it was the synergy of a gene mutation from northern european bloodlines and the hormones in birth control. No actual test results back yet, but that's what they thing.

So, to top that off, my lung filled with fluid because I wasn't taking deep breaths (too painful), my heart was damaged, and my artery was streatched out at certain points. The doctors expect my heart and arteries to repair themselves, cause I am otherwise healthy with no cholesterol issues, so that's good news.

Then escrow closed. And I had to move in, while not being able to breath properly or move around too much. But we did it.

Now. If you're still reading it's probably because you're interested in my story Some Truths Hurt. As my life went to hell I stopped posting here, but I have been writing and posting on FF, just somewhat less regularly. I'm going to try to post here soon, but life is still a bit overwhelming for me.

Happy Holidays! Thanks to rejeneration and the anonymous person who sent me virtual snowflakes, I've never gotten a virtual gift before!

update, some_truths_hurt

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