Ok, earlier this week I watched the last episode of Heroes: Volume One. Here are my thoughts, complete with spoilery goodness. Although I would also like to add that this is really a show that should be seen unspoiled, so if you haven't watched it, don't read on.
-Mohinder's character really grew on me, and that's surprising. In the first few episodes my brain would take a short vacation every time he showed up, but once he "teamed up" with Sylar (making the celebrity couple Sylinder!) he started taking matters into his own hands, for better or for worse. This made him more exciting as a character. I'm also convinced he has a hidden power. Something related to sleep. Possibly that he no longer needs sleep. We'll have to wait and see.
-Sylar. Awesome villain. One of my favorites of all time, especially when we get to see his character motivation and we almost come to feeling sorry for the psychopath. But then the last episode rolls around, and... it left me disappointed. The whole volume was a build-up to this fight, and it just seemed to end far too quickly. All the "Heroes" uniting to fight him was kinda cool, but how come Peter's super-punches or Nicki's parking-meter club didn't knock him the F-out? He didn't have super strength or Claire's healing abilities. I suppose he could have absorbed the impacts with telekinesis, but then why didn't he do the same when Hiro stabbed him? I'm nitpicking, but I wanted awesome, and what I got was just cool. Plus, Sylar's escape feels like a cop-out. This series was so good at defying convention up until that point. Hopefully he'll stay out of the picture long enough that his return feels important.
-Peter's premonition about exploding was COMPLETELY different than what actually happened. Different time. Different place. Different people. I don't think the future he saw has happened yet. I think he is still a threat. I mean, he exploded once, but that doesn't mean he no longer has Ted's power. And we know he can survive it since future Peter did.
-Nathan. I hope he's actually dead, not because I dislike him, but because without sacrifice his redemption loses it's emotional value.
-With Hiro back in feudal Japan, I hope we get to learn the significance of the "god chosen" symbol that keeps popping up everywhere, but I doubt it. Betting the writers will dangle that in front of us for a long time to come.
-The comics: They seem cool, but holy cow 48 volumes and counting??? I don't wanna flip through that many digital pages. Wish they would sell them in books. I'm sure there's enough of a market to justify a limited printing, especially since all the work's already done.
-Speaking of buying, I really wanna buy some of those Isaac paintings as full-size posters. Especially the one of Peter "flying" and Jessica revealing her tat.
-Parkman... So not a douchebag! Dumb as a brick sometimes, but I still like his character. So ha!