Dear all,
this is just in order to confirm that Jeremy's Memorial Walk from London Stansted to London Clapham will indeed take place.
My friend Nicole and I will go the ca. 45 mile distance from Sept. 10-12th, and we expect to be meeting a few friends on the 12th. I also assume, as far as I understand, that another fellow admirer is going to walk her own route for Jeremy, so there ought to be at least three people on the way for him and the good cause.
We will of course do video filming on our way in order to do a little documentation.
Thanks again to everybody who has donated or supported us in other ways. Needless to say that we will take proper care of the donations reaching their intended destinations.
Also I would like to state that we are already considering repeating the walk next year with (then) proper time for preparation, organising and public relations. THIS time we will start small-ish... but I have high hopes we will be growing in time... :)