Character Survey (because the mun shouldn't really be packing for her move on Saturday)

Apr 02, 2009 12:11

The Character Physically

1. What is the character's stature and build? Is he overweight? Thin? What is his height and weight? Jeremy's tall, about 6'0", maybe 6'1". He's got a sturdy build and is rather muscular, particularly around the arms. He's bound to be losing weight in Arkham though, just from all the stress and anxiety and the meds he's on.

2. How old is he? He turned 20 at the beginning of February.

3. Describe her posture. Is it good? Does she carry herself well? Is she crooked? Straight? He looks down a LOT, I've noticed. He has a hard time looking people in the eye. When he sits he tends to slouch.

4. Is he in good shape or out of condition? Is he muscularly weak or strong? He was in good shape pretty consistently until he was put in Arkham. Now he's probably not getting much exercise.

5. How is his health? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Physically he's like a horse! Mentally... another issue. He has a compulsive need to kill people, plus some kleptomania (it was much worse when he was younger though, he doesn't do it so much anymore because killing gave him a bigger release), and some pretty understandable depression. All of this is a product of a traumatic past.

6. Is he physically active or sedentary? A fast or slow mover? Physically active and pretty fast when he wants to be.

7. Is he clumsy, awkward, graceful? In every day life he's awkward as all hell. Like holy crap. The only time he's quite graceful is when he's killing someone. Cute, yeah?

8. Does he move in straight or curved lines? Is he physically tight or fluid? Uhhhh what? He can walk a straight line, if that's what you're asking. And he's not terribly rigid or anything.

9. What are his chief efforts? Getting not-crazy.

10. Is the character good-looking, pretty, beautiful, average, plain, ugly, disfigured? I think he's a fucking cutie. He's definitely got a babyface though, which might not appeal to everyone. He is consistently thought to be younger than he is because of it.

11. Is the character aware of himself physically? Not... really? Most of the attention he's gotten from his looks has been either unwanted and traumatic or creepy and degrading, so instead of thinking he's attractive, he thinks there's a giant neon sign above his head that reads "I SUCK COCKS" that only gay men can see. I am not even kidding.

12. Describe his complexion and skin. Dark, light, clear, marked? Caucasian but skin that can and does tan. (He's from Miami, that's like a necessity.) Few acne scars but not too bad, he is just fresh out of his teens.

13. Describe his hair, coloring, styling. Is it taken care of? Longish shaggy puppy hair. Not quite emo because he doesn't style it at all and it doesn't have any body on its own. Light brown naturally, given to random streaks of blonde from too much sun and not because the actor had random blonde highlights that I can't explain since how the hell do you get your hair highlighted in juvie. It's just kind of there but he finds it useful to hide behind. He has stated the only reason he didn't join the army is because he would have to cut it, although that whole, criminal record thing might have had something to do with it.

14. How is his usual dexterity? Does he have good hands: Can he do things? Is he a worker?
He has good dexterity. He kills people with small hunting knives... he's got to be pretty good. He's been known to carve down wood with a knife but he doesn't really make anything in particular with it. He's pretty good for manual labor; he liked being a roadie and didn't mind lugging around equipment.

15. Is he physically tense or relaxed, nervous, controlled? Often tense, tenses more when touched unexpectedly, especially by men.

16. What are his chief tension centers? Shoulders. He hunches them a lot.

17. What part of his body would you notice first? All that hair, then the tattoo on his neck. Then his arm muscles. At least... that's exactly what I did when I saw him for the first time.

18. Describe his basic gravity factor. Is there a downward pull or buoyancy? Uhhh? I guess a downward pull, he's not like a bouncy person or anything.

The Character's Clothes

1. How much clothing does this character have? Not much.

2. What items are in their wardrobe? From Miami: five shirts (four sleeveless and one plaid button down), two pairs of jeans, a suit from court appearances. An inherited sweatshirt from a member of Spared that advertises the University of Michigan. A few warmer shirts. His Jason Jones coat and mask and gloves.

3. What are their favorite articles of clothing? The sweatshirt's done him well.

4. What colors are the clothes? Is there a wide range? Bright or dull? Mostly neutral. Grays and stuff.

5. Are their clothes bright or dull? Redundant redundant!

6. Were they bought or home-made, hand-me-downs, expensive? All the stuff from Miami was probably from Goodwill. Sweatshirt was a hand-me-down, rest were bought.

7. What is one of his favorite items to wear? Whatever keeps him the warmest, it's fucking cold up north!

8. Do his clothes fit well? Mmmm yes.

9. Is he comfortable in what he wears? Does he "fight" his clothes? He's a guy who cares nothing for fashion, so as long as it fits and keeps him warm, he's good.

10. Is he confident about the way he dresses, or uneasy? Indifferent.

11. Does he care for his clothes? Keep them up and neat? Is he worried about how they look? He is very neat, so he keeps them organized and put away and whatnot. I think someone along the line in a foster home made him a laundry boy so he knows how all the cycles on the washer work and stuff.

12. Does he have to dress a certain way because of his job or position? If so, do her usual clothes fit his real, basic character? They were pretty casual in the mailroom, so no. His other job... hmm, heh... He rarely ever undressed for anyone though, didn't want to be that vulnerable. He was a terrible prostitute, there should be a children's book series. "The Worst Whore"....

13. Does he dress according to a self image of himself? Is that self image conscious or unconscious? At what age was this self image made? He doesn't dress according to anything, but he definitely has a fucked up self image. It was made at 15, for certain, although his self perception wasn't terribly great before then, either.

14. What kind of underwear does he wear? Boxers. :)

The Character's Voice

1. Does he speak in a high or low pitch voice? When might he be higher than usual? When lower? He has a loooow voice. It's basically the only thing that might dissuade people from thinking he's like 16. It has a tendency to crack still though, especially when he's confused or upset, making him appear quite adolescent still. (It gets even deeper when he's killing mode, however.)

2. Is he a loud or soft talker? Soft for the most part. Get him on a science tangent though and he'll suddenly get rather animated.

3. Is there a wide range in the voice in volume, pitch and/or quality, or is the voice pretty consistent and even? Pretty consistent, I guess

4. Is there good resonance to the voice? Is the voice throaty, chesty, heady, nasal? Kinda throaty, actually.

5. Is there tension in the voice? Anxiety? Emotion? He has a lot of awkward pauses when he talks, because he's thinking things through before he says them, out of a concern for being misunderstood or told to shut up, mostly. Also, his intonation depends on who he's talking to. He can sound very casual and uncaring if he doesn't want anyone to know what he's really feeling. When in killing mode everything is very calm. When being honest, he can sound wildly emotional.

6. Is there an accent? Anything unusual in pronunciation? Emphasis? Phrasing? Very normal, flat American accent. He uses a lot of contractions, stuff like "gonna" instead of "going to," so doesn't sound terribly refined but not completely ignorant, either.

7. Is it a trained voice, or just natural? Can't sing worth a damn. Doesn't even try.

8. Does the character "try" to speak well or just "how it comes out"? Like above, just how it comes out, usually colloquial sounding but not stupid.

10. Is the voice comforting or irritating? Reassuring or disturbing? Sometimes soothing, sometimes unintentionally but undeniably creepy.

11. Is he self-conscious when he speaks to others? How large a group could he speak to before he became self-conscious? Christ, he's self-conscious one-on-one a lot of the time. I don't think he could speak in front of a group at all.

The Character's Mind

1. Is the character smart, dumb, naive? Smart but uneducated, poor thing. Also rather lacking in common sense.

2. Does he think quickly? Slowly? Is he quick-witted? Dull? He's more a do first, think later type of person. Which is why he's gotten into so much trouble.

3. What kind of education has he had? He got his GED in juvie, but alas dreams of higher education have been hindered by his criminal record and lack of funds.

4. What subjects does the character have knowledge or expertise in? How to kill people by slitting major arteries. Also a variety of trivial knowledge in stuff like dinosaurs, astronomy, and certain types of animals, especially reptiles. Probably has a good grasp of how to mail things and sort incoming mail by now. Damn good at giving a guy a blowjob, especially for someone completely repulsed by the whole ordeal.

5. Is the character impulsive or deliberate in reaching conclusions? Is he logical, rational, or emotional? Impulsive, compulsive, obsessive... Not terribly rational, either. And a complete mess of emotions when prodded.

6. Does he think out things before he speaks or can he "think on his feet" as he is speaking? Usually thinking very hard before speaking, but there can be times when he gains confidence enough to speak without faltering.

7. Does he have contemplative times? What does he think about when alone? They're giving him sleeping pills for that now, which he is grateful for.

8. Is he an idealist? A pragmatist? A dreamer? An idea man? An action man? I guess you could say an action man. He sure does a lot of things, none of them very good.

9. Is his life motivated chiefly by abstract ideals or practical rewards? Survival. Always survival.

The Character's Emotions and Personality

1. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.

4. Is he hot-blooded or cool-headed? Cool-headed sometimes, but push the right buttons and he goes into "snarky punk" mode.

5. Does he have a narrow or wide range of emotions? Do they show often? Wide and yes.

6. Does he indulge in emotional peaks, outbursts, or valleys? Often? He does have highs and lows... lot more lows than highs. The highs come from killing or stealing, usually.

7. Would you say he is basically sensitive or calloused? Oversensitive. So oversensitive, while trying to maintain a tough exterior. It usually ends in tears. He cries a lot, although usually not for very long, which is why it happens so much. He has a hard time letting anything out, so it keeps threatening to overflow.

8. Is he suspicious, cautious, trusting, or naive about new people or situations? Very often suspicious, but when he deems people trustworthy he is very eager to please.

9. Is he an aggressive or reactive person? Is he a pusher or a puller? Reactive, puller.

10. Does he take positive or negative action? Negative. Poor baby.

11. In a danger or emergency situation would he go to it or run away from it? Depends. If a friend was in danger, he'd face it. If it was something related to the cops trying to catch him, he would ruuuun.

12. Is the character basically nervous or calm? Often nervous or anxious. Only very calm in killing mode.

13. Does the character have a sense of humor? Does he appreciate jokes? Can he see humor in unfunny situations? Can he laugh at himself? Yes.

14. Can he tell a funny story or joke? Do others find him amusing? Yes, especially after being quiet awhile so it's rather unexpected. Other characters have found him funny, yes.

15. Is he a practical joker? What is his opinion of tricks or jokes played on other people? Surprise! You're dead! Okay, that's not really a joke to him.

16. Is his humor ever cruel? It would be if he considered killing people funny. But he doesn't.

17. Under what conditions could he be harmful or mean or cruel to another person? When he's killing them.

18. Is he a loving person? Is he full of love and giving or rather bound and tight in this area? Is he capable of relation to others in a loving way? Is he capable or relating to one specific person in a romantic way? Yes. He can also be very impulsive about showing affection sometimes, when other people aren't expecting it.

19. Is he loved by any other people? In what way? He is, but everything's very messed up right now, so some of them are angry or confused about him.

20. Is he romantically in love now? With whom? Is this a happy, rewarding or frustrating situation or him? Head over heels for Helena Kyle. It's frustrating because he thinks she hates him now and doesn't know where they stand. If he loses her things are going to get very, very dark.

The Character's Wealth, Power, and Influence

1. Does this person have much money? Does it provide position or respect from others for him? He had a little saved from the mailroom job, but not very much. Definitely not enough to cover lawyer fees.

2. Is he generous or selfish with his money and possessions? He really doesn't have much, so it's just kind of there.

3. Is the character socially prominent? Is he prominent from wealth, position or office, family history, ability or accomplishment? He's pretty infamous in Gotham for being Jason Jones the serial killer. He achieved lesser notoriety in Miami for gruesomely murdering an older kid over 40 bucks at age 15.

4. Does the character rate high in the "pecking order" with his household? Town? Area? Nation? World? He's in a mental hospital. That's pretty low on the totem pole. (But not, in his opinion, as low as a whore.)

5. Does this person wield much clout? Over whom and by what means? As Jeremy? No. As Jason Jones.... yes.

6. Can he command others to do his bidding, by word or manipulation? He's seduced a client or two when he had to. Also lured some victims to their demise.

7. How does he get his wishes daily? He doesn't. Poor thing.

8. To whom is he subservient? Is this submission willing or unavoidable? In the past, clients. I wouldn't call it willing, but... he really needed the money. Currently he's at the mercy of the medical staff at Arkham, also kind of unavoidable. He's trying to be cooperative for the most part.

The Character's Activities

1. How does the character spend his time? Therapy, medication, avoiding everyone else in the rec room, internet, sleeping.

2. What does his daily routine consist of? See above.

3. What is his profession or work? It was a mail room worker... now it's nothing.

4. What things does he really like to do? Besides killing... science related stuff. He had an internship at Wayne Enterprises in the Applied Sciences Division and loved it.

5. What things does he hate to do? Besides killing... talk so much about himself. It's exhausting and bringing up a lot of stuff he wanted to keep buried. The thing he hated the most in his whole life was being a whore.

6. What are his leisure time activities? Pastimes? Recreation? Video games, although his proficiency lies in old school games like Tetris and Pacman. The new ones are too complicated. He also likes working out and playing basketball, which he hasn't gotten to do in a long time.

7. Does he play games? What kind? See above.

8. Does he like to eat or drink? How important are food and drink? He doesn't drink alcohol and will eat anything given to him without complaint.

9. How important is sex to him? What sexual activities does he partake in? Anything unusual? It's not the be all, end all of anything, it's just nice, especially since it's sex with the correct gender now.

10. Is his attitude about sex healthy or disturbing to him? Is sex a rewarding, enriching part of this person's life or is it frightening, anxious, or frustrating? Is sex a positive or negative factor in his life? He's very weird about sex. For a long time it was the source of a lot of shame, and he wondered if he had to be gay despite the fact that he never enjoyed any of it. Even with girls he can be weird, because he's always wary of anyone who wants to take advantage. It took someone very patient and not looking for any kind of power struggle to get him comfortable with it.

The Character's Favorite Things

1. Colors? Red...
2. Food? Grits
3. Drinks? Milk and root beer (not together, obviously)
4. Smells? that clean warm rainy smell
5. Time of day? No preference
6. Season of the year? He never had seasons until recently, so not-winter is his favorite.
7. Books? Not a huge reader, but really likes Jurassic Park (read it after being obsessed with the movie as a kid)
8. Kinds of literature? Non-fiction, science related
9. Authors? Michael Crichton
10. Places to visit? Science museums, or cool natural wonders (was planning to go to Niagara Falls, for example)
11. Kinds of music? he doesn't really care for music, but does like Radiohead and Coldplay, specifically
12. Musical Instruments? Doesn't care
13. Composers? None
14. Metals; gold, iron, copper, pewter, etc.? steel
15. Building materials; stone, wood, clay, tile, etc.? Doesn't care
16. Fabrics; silk, wool, linen, etc.? Cotton
17. Pieces of furniture? doesn't care
18. Plants? Prefers Fauna to Flora
19. Flowers? Prefers Fauna to Flora
20. Trees? Indifferent usually, but definitely not a fan of mangroves
21. Birds? Extinct ones, like dodos and pterodactyls.
22. Animals? Reptiles
23. Miscellaneous? There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses, it's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses at the state of the sheets before all the stains and a few more of your least favorite things...
24. Modern Fairytale? The one where he lives happily ever after. Ha.

Character's Religion

1. What are his specific religious beliefs? Does he belong to a specific sect or creed? Does he advocate that group's beliefs? Atheist. He was never baptized as far as he knows and never raised with one particular religion, although the Cuban families he lived with sure got obsessive with their Catholicism.

2. How important is religion to him? It's not. In fact he's afraid to believe in God because of how he might be judged by such a being.

3. Is he pious, devout? Clearly not.

4. In what religious activities does he engage? What percentage of his time is devoted to it? None.

5. How does religion motivate his actions or affect them? It doesn't.

Character's Fears

1. What things frighten him? Abandonment. Being powerless. Clowns.

2. Is he motivated by fear? Almost always.

3. To what extent is he motivated; never, occasionally, usually, constantly? See above.

4. What would this character think were the three most terrible things that could happen to him?
1. Being raped again.
2. Having to return to prostitution.
3. Losing Helena.

5. What would he think were the three most wonderful things that could happen to him?
1. Being found innocent due to insanity.
2. Actually getting better and not having to kill to feel okay, and still being himself once that's taken away from him.
3. Getting to keep Helena and his friends and being able to have a normal life.

6. What is the one thing he doesn't want anyone to find out about him? It used to be that he was a killer, but everyone knows that now. So now I think it would be that he used to be a whore. He's really ashamed of it because it was something he chose to do and not had done to him.

character survey, ooc info

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