...*locked from Helena*

May 18, 2009 13:03

((slightly meta, as I don't think he'd ever really answer these questions for a public forum, no matter how truthful or untruthful he was being. But I just can't resist. XD))

1. Do you like it rough or sensual?
...Not rough.

2. Do you prefer to be with the opposite sex or the same sex? or both? At the moment?
Opposite. Opposite opposite opposite opposite opposite...

3. How often do you like to have sex?
Whenever it feels right.

4. Is sex a top priority for you?

5. Do you have sex face to face with your partner?

6. How often do you get drunk and have wild, crazy sexy with a complete stranger?
Why the hell didn't I think of drinking first Never.

7. How do you feel about one night stands?
Uh...? I don't? Not for me.

8. How many one night stands have you had?
That doesn't count, right? None.

9. What's your favorite position?
Uh... I like when we can see each other...

10. Where's your favorite place to have sex?
Uh, I lived with a roommate, so where we had privacy...

11. Do you prefer to make love or fuck?
Make love...

12. Have you ever watched porn while having sex?
No... I think that'd be... weird and distracting actually.

13. How long do you usually foreplay before doing the deed?
Uh... do people time these things?

14. Do you get off first or do they? Do you care?
Don't care.

15. Do you like kissing during sex?

16. Do you moan? If so, are you loud or quiet?
... why am I doing this? .....

Pretty quiet, I think...

17. Do you prefer your partner to be loud or quiet?
Whatever she wants is fine by me.

18. Does size matter (for girls-- dicks/for guys-- boobs)?

19. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
...Technically? ...15 20.

20. How many sexual partners have you have in the last month?
None... funny thing about Arkham... they frown on those types of visits...

21. What does your favorite foreplay include?
Her being cute and hot? ... I'm easy to please I guess...

22. Do you ever play with yourself during the act?

23. Do you prefer to sleep with randoms or one person?
One person.

24. Have you ever done anal? If so, did you like it?

25. When and where was your wildest sex ever?
What pervs invented this survey?

26. What's your ultimate sexual fantasy?
It's actually really boring, so I won't tell you.

27. Have you ever done porn?
Didn't that one guy tape-- no I made him delete it Nope.

28. Have you ever had sex for money?
Guess that depends on your definition of "sex" No.

29. Have you ever bribed someone to sleep with you?
Uh, isn't that called prostitution?

30. Is the sex still good when you're cheating?
Wouldn't know.

31. During sex... what are you thinking about?
...If you're thinking of something else, you're doing it wrong. Trust me.

32. Do you prefer the top or the bottom at first?

33. How many positions do you like to do during one episode?
...I'm learning I'm pretty boring, here...

34. Do you ever worry about how you're pleasing your partner?
I'm more worried I'm hurting her Uh... sometimes.

35. Could you live without sex?
You can live without a lot of things if you have to. Sex isn't even that important in the long run.

36. How often do you find sex boring?
when it's about 4:30 PM and you're hungry and sweaty and your knees hurt and I don't.

37. How long does a typical sexual episode last for you?
No, really, do people feel the need to time this shit?

38. Do you like to perform oral sex?
NO. ... I plead the fifth...

39. Do you like to receive oral sex?
I haven't really felt the need to put her through that yet Also pleading the fifth.

40. Have you ever taped yourself in the act?

41. Have you ever had a 3-some? 4-some? 5-some?
Um, no.

42. Have you ever had interracial sex?
Yeah, I think Helena's part Scottish and I'm not. *eye roll*

43. Have you ever been caught in the act?

44. Have you ever had sex while at work?
hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa Nope.

45. Have you ever had sex while at school?

46. What is something that you would never consider doing?
The usual taboo stuff, plus anything that would make her uncomfortable.

47. Have you ever had sex on drugs?

48. Would you ever have sex in public?
Ha. Not really...

49. What's your biggest turn on?
Her. And someone who can talk science...

50. Do you spit or swallow?

51. How many times have you gotten off in one night?
Again with the counting...

52. Would you let other people watch you have sex live?

53. Have you have ever had sex in front of your best friend?
Could've if that guy had bought us both Nope.

54. Have you ever had sex with your best friend's b/f or g/f?
Could've if Veidt hadn't let me go... but they weren't really... together... yet... does kept man count as boyfriend, actually? Nope.

55. Do you ever have sex in the shower?
Once or twice.

56. What's the weirdest place you've ever done it?
That fucking bathroom floor Not a lot of weirdness here, sorry.

57. What was the biggest age difference with a partner?
...I don't even want to think about that Helena and I are only a few months apart.

58. Do you feel you are up to par in bed?
I've gotten compliments... from Helena. Helena...

59. Are you still gonna have sex when you're 70?
Uh, only if my partner wants me to.

60. What was your most embarrassing sexual moment?
WELL HE'S DEAD SO IT'S OKAY Plead the fifth.

61. How old is "too young" to have sex your in opinion?
... Fifteen.

62. Do you like to be completely naked or clothed?

63. Have you ever done it on a boat/yacht?
... I'd need to have been on a boat or yacht first.

64. What's the most public place that you can think of that you've had sex at?
A park Not into the public sex, thanks.

65. Do you like having sex in cars? If so, driver seat, passenger, or back?
No no no...

66. Do you wear protection as often as you should?
Obsessively. I don't want a repeat performance of my life.

67. Has any of your one night stands resulted in a child that you know of?
Never done it, so no.

68. If you're over 18, have you ever had sex with someone under 18?

69. Do you prefer to sleep with someone older or younger than you?
I'm cool with around the same age.

70. What's the perfect size? (for girls-- inches in dicks/for guys-- cup size)?
I don't care.

71. Have you ever done S&M sex (chains,whips,etc.)?
.... No.

72. Have you ever slept with someone out of pity?
This one guy was pretty pitiful... but I was still getting paid, so... No.

73. Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life?
It's easy.

74. If you could sleep with ANYONE, who would it be?


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