It sucked

Jan 06, 2005 17:19

Went last night with a guy I work with to see Alien vs. Predator. And I have to say, despite thinking that there was no way they could possibly have fucked this one up as they were practically handed the entire script on a sliver platter, they did it anyway. Not even the inclusion of Lance Henriksen being the only one on there from the good old days of Predator 2 and Alien: Resurrection (yes, this was worse than both of them. It was worse than the worst sci-fi movie you can think of) could have saved this piece of shit. The acting aside, the entire concept and history of both of genre's was turned on its head. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it only take 30 seconds for an Alien to burst through your chest. And that is 30 seconds including the time from when the face hugger attaches itself, it falling off, and the Alien's "birth". 30 fucking second. Not a day, like in the first Alien movie or even 20 hours like in Resurrection, 30 seconds. And the Predators are quite mean like always. That is, if you discount the fact that they ignore all their weapons save that little gun thing on their shoulders and are powerless without it and use that "blow up a 300 sq block radius" thing on their arms when they can still win without it.

I guess what pisses me off, is that they took an existing story and decided to change the entire story to "Hollywood-ize" it. More like "Shitify" it. Don't go see this Golgothan of a movie and if you have, I am sure we can all band together to make a web support group to help others like us.
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