Other apps I find handy on the mac: * Cyberduck: FTP program. * VLC - because I don't like the inbuilt DVD player. * TextWrangler - text editor, syntax highlighter, etc. Nice and simple. * Transmission - bittorrent client. * SideTrack - extra functionality for the touchpad. Note: HUGE MAJOR bugs in Leopard, of the DO NOT install it yet variety. But keep it in mind.
I use Firefox on the Mac - it's not too bad. Chews memory if you're loading multiple tabs at once, but this isn't a surprise.
I installed and removed Quicksilver several times. Never did figure out how it worked.
I switched to the mac July '06 and still love my little g4 powerbook.
I haven't really done any media stuff, so I shall have to investigate that a bit further. I'll look into SideTrack, more functionality is usually a win. I got QuickSilver to work, but it's buggy. Once it's set up and running it seems fine, though.
Thanks for the suggestions. I may prod you online if I'm stuck with something. :-)
I chose Safari over firefox because it supports the keychain and so does Camino. This means that each can access the other's saved passwords. Firefox, being an imcomplete port, doesn't. I also really really like the new Safari's ability to resize text entry boxes.
Other things I recommend:
MenuMeters (lets you put CPU/memory/net use graphs on your menubar) Xjournal (for an LJ client)
And don't bother with Quicktime, just install VLC.
Comments 3
* Cyberduck: FTP program.
* VLC - because I don't like the inbuilt DVD player.
* TextWrangler - text editor, syntax highlighter, etc. Nice and simple.
* Transmission - bittorrent client.
* SideTrack - extra functionality for the touchpad. Note: HUGE MAJOR bugs in Leopard, of the DO NOT install it yet variety. But keep it in mind.
I use Firefox on the Mac - it's not too bad. Chews memory if you're loading multiple tabs at once, but this isn't a surprise.
I installed and removed Quicksilver several times. Never did figure out how it worked.
I switched to the mac July '06 and still love my little g4 powerbook.
Thanks for the suggestions. I may prod you online if I'm stuck with something. :-)
Forget pkgsrc. Go for MacPorts (formerly known as darwinports): http://www.macports.org/
I chose Safari over firefox because it supports the keychain and so does Camino. This means that each can access the other's saved passwords. Firefox, being an imcomplete port, doesn't. I also really really like the new Safari's ability to resize text entry boxes.
Other things I recommend:
MenuMeters (lets you put CPU/memory/net use graphs on your menubar)
Xjournal (for an LJ client)
And don't bother with Quicktime, just install VLC.
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