Last time I posted something, it was at the beginning of the Fall '08 semester. Now it is January and the beginning of the Spring '09 semester.
So many things have happened that I really don't know where to begin. I'll just start from the beginning.
The beginning of the semester was interesting. I was attending a new school in a totally different location than I was used to. It was liberating. I didn't have any strict authorities hovering over my head at all times, watching what I do and keeping an eye on my at ALL times. I did get a taste of what that was like working in Houston on the weekends. It was liberating. I didn't have a mother or a father. But at times it would just be nice to know they were there.
So 6 hour drive away from home, I'm at an actual university. It's like big kid's school! But, bigger, and a lot school-ier than Wharton County Junior College. I love WCJC. It was small, and very home feeling. Oh top of that, it was just 15 minutes away from home, so BAM! Let gas to spend.
The classes were a big more advanced than I wanted them to be. Especially the math class. The history was something I was a bit worried about, but thought I could handle it. Now, Spanish was something I enjoyed going to. I thought I knew they answers! And believed I could ace this class. Turned out wrong. History was a lot harder than expected and on the first tests (keep in mind, I took two history classes at the time. Same subject, different time periods) I made a 54 and a 78. Not good for the first tests. The Spanish tests I passed, but with an 83. It surprised the HELL out of me. I didn't know anything about conjugation or preterit and past subjunctive. The hell do those things mean?! And how the hell do they translate in English?!
I tried. I really tried on the conjugation. It took my a while to find out that we don't have those in the English language. Well, we do, but it's set up differently than it is in Spanish. Then having to actually write out an essay in Spanish was harder than it seemed. Having to go through and check to make sure there's an accent line on the letter that is suppose to have one and making sure the grammar is correct. I can barely do it in English, and they expected me to do it in Spanish?! Yep.
I grew found of early American history. It intrigued me. The professor made it interesting. It's not like he brought it down to own level of thinking, but he totally brought it down to our level of thinking. I understood and it was fun knowing all these facts about or nation. Now later American history was interesting at first, but after a while, it lost it's touch. As it grew closer and closer to modern times, it got bored. I knew the facts. I knew the material. It was just repeat.
Math was a drag. I just stopped showing up.
Along the way, I met interesting people I don't think I would have interacted with while I was either in El Campo or in high school, but I would have loved to!
I met Sarah in my early American history class. We sat next to each other all the time and made fun of the girls in front of us. We hated them. No reason. They were just annoying. Sarah turned out to be a fun person to be around. Her personality drew me to her and I was just in awe at times by all the knowledge I could learn from her ranging from Feminism and African culture to Alabama living. It's neat!
Courtney. I met Courtney later on in my early American history class. Sarah and I bumped into her outside while Sarah smoked a cigarette. We had an instant connection, all three of us. Instead of her just sitting in the back of the room, she moved up front. We all hated those girls. I think maybe that's why we hit it off.
I also talked to Gennifer and Nick from Spanish. But it didn't really go outside of the classroom. Mariza wasn't until later on and mostly on the terms that I would talk ghetto to her. She found it hilarious.
Then, October comes along. Sarah invited Courtney and I to come to a party at one of her friends house, Richard. Actually, it was just suppose to be invite only. But we crashed it anyways. I didn't expect to get inebriated like I did that night. Actually, I never really planned on drinking at all, but Jell-O shots were involved and they don't seem to take any effect on me until you take 8 of them. Then it hits you. It was fun, but at the same time, I wanted to sober up a bit. So Sarah is trashed, Courtney is just drinking and drinking and drinking and she said she felt nothing. I was still drinking vodka straight, which I absolutely love. While we are still drinking, we listen to people play guitar next to a big bunch of lights. At the time, it felt like a campfire, but now I know, it wasn't a campfire. There is a BIG difference between those two.
I met a guy named Jose. Jose was an interesting(ly cute) person who I enjoyed talking to. Granted, I loved everyone at the time, but still. For some reason, I felt like holding him. So I did. We talked and talked. Then this guy came over. I had these presence of a pompous ass. Like he was better than everyone. An elitist. Jose on the other hand is an activist and did not enjoy him at all. So, I thought Jose lost interest in me and I stopped talking to him. Jose thought I lost interest in him because I turned around and started talking to the other people beside me. I only did that was because I thought he lost interest in me. Wow, isn't that a funny coincidence?
Before I left, Jose and I exchanged numbers. He gave me 3 days to call him. I called him the next day, which was a Sunday. We talked for about 4 hours on the phone and then we went to grab some coffee (well, really he did. I don't drink coffee.) We walked around the square for a bit and then headed back to my place and watched The Chumscrubber around 1 or 2 in the morning. He didn't leave until 4 in the morning and I had to go work at 9 in the morning, so it was just really late for the both of us.
After a couple of weeks of knowing him, I finally just asked him if he wanted to be more exclusive and make it official. He said yes, of course. So he would be my official boyfriend in like what? YEARS! Wow. :)
Final Grades:
Spanish: A
Ear AM Hist: B
Lat AM Hist: C
Math w/ Cal: F
That last one is a bummer.
I finally talked to an adviser in the Education program and she told me what to take and what would be best for me. Now I have a new schedule!
Tuedays & Thursdays
8AM - 9:30AM; Biology for Educators
11AM - 12:30PM; World Literature
2PM - 5PM; Spanish Cinema for Oral Practice and Advanced Composition and Communication. (This class is only on Tuesdays)
6:30PM - 9:30PM; Biology Lab
That's what happened in a nutshell. :)