So I'm entering the portion of my life where I just need to put my head down, make things happen, and hope for the best come August. My job is hectic on any given day, but for the next five months, it's an accelerating bullet train of crazy heading towards a brick wall that is summer conferencing in July. How is this my life again?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the energy of it all. I love pulling together the staff and making things click. I get a kick out of trouble-shooting and solving the problems. But I have limits, and I know I'll find them in the coming months. Or, to be more exact, I know I'll wake up some morning and my limits will be standing over me with a sock full of soap, ready to wail away.
That being said, I hope having some clearly defined goals will help me make it through. My high school government teacher had a saying, "Organization is the key to success." I just need to hold onto that nugget of wisdom and put it into practice.
On another note, I've started going back to the gym. I have two friends that have made identical gym schedules, so we can keep each other motivated and honest. That means, I'll be hitting up the gym most ever Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hope to eventually start adding in a weekend workout slot in there as well.
It's going to take me a while to get this new habit firmly under wing, as I've got two significant trips in my immediate future. The first is an Alternative Spring Break trip to New Orleans. I'll be accompanying a group of ten students from my university on this trip to work with the HIV positive population in NOLA through Project Lazarus. We leave out early in the a.m. this coming Saturday. I've already met with my group a number of times, and I have to say, I'm psyched. I have a feeling they're all going to walk away from this experience being transformed and energized to make a difference.
My second pending trip is an annual conference on conferencing. This year it's in Louisville, KY. It is, needless to say, a very well run event. I got a lot out of it last year, and I hope to reprise that experience.
And as a general update on my 2010 life plan, my experience thus far with my local community band has been awesome! I've got two friends who have decided to join with me, and I think the general consensus is, "Why didn't we do this years ago?" The music isn't too challenging, but that's probably a good thing, as I haven't seriously played the trombone in over a decade. It just feels good being part of an ensemble again.
That's all for now. 242.5