Today was rather interesting. It makes me wonder how the mind and body really work.
After class while I was walking back to my apartment, I saw a yellow butterfly that I decided to chase after. It took me to a shrub in the middle of a thick patch of ivy. This was its territory and I was probably intruding, but I wanted to stay for awhile and get some good pictures of it. It flew a pattern around my head and would swoop down at me making circle eights, then landing on its shrub, the only place it would land. Then i'd take pictures before it took off again. It would stay in its territory attacking me until an intruding butterfly came by and it would attack it until it left. At first I thought this was playing, but now I know that it was defending its airspace. Once I got the picture of its wings open, I left for home with a good feeling in me.
Somehow, while I was in my room, I began to feel as if those three things were closing in on me and I got so frustrated that I had to leave. I went to the tower to play. I played some songs until the weight of my burden was so heavy on my chest that I couldn't play anymore. I called Robert to thank him for his gift that he sent me, but I really just needed to talk to someone. Afterwards, I just felt worse, but I tried to play some more anyway. I played softly at first until notes were inaudiable, so I began to play loudly. The higher volume caused the crickets to get louder and sing more frequently. They were competing against me. I said aloud that I will remain in the tower forever, or until they leave first. So I determined to play even louder to drive them out. I would play a song so filled with agony and high pitch that it would drive anyone away. I began to play like never before. It was a song with stressed notes going in and out of tune; a cacophony well suited to my mood. I played a high note I hadn't ever reached and held it without studdering, then I hit the next note up, which I didn't think existed. Then I hit a note that was at least five beyond that one and was so high pitched it was inaudiable. I only knew it was playing due to the feeling in the piccolo and all of the crickets instanlty stopped singing and didn't sing anymore. There was silence. Then one cricket sounded as if it tried to sing, but it was deeply injured. I became concerned and found the group of crickets at the door. They were silent and didn't move. I had created a weapon out of my instrument. I wanted them to sing again so that I would know that they were ok, but they only walked away in silence. I was left alone in the tower, having driven even the crickets away with my tortured song. Nevertheless, I had won the challenge, and left. I stayed outside for awhile until I heard the crickets again, but they were badly shaken by my song and would timidly sing in short soft bursts. At this point I reached a dangerously violent anger and wished that someone would attack me so that I could kill them in self defense.
I went to the store this way, trying to avoid contact with people for their own safety and returned with my groceries. I was still riled up and in a deadly mood at the apartment. I had bought an inexpensive tea pot at marukai over the weekend and thought that the tea might calm me down. After the first cup, I could feel a noticable difference in my mood and my facial expression began to change. After about 5 cups, I was smiling again and I had lost the rage. Athough this didn't solve any of my problems, I am now as relaxed as if I had no problems at all.