Dunno if it will all fit

Oct 29, 2004 22:29

Let it be known to all who sail the seven seas, Jerome Steffen Zelinske now to be counted as a trusty shellback. Gone is the slimey, filthy, land lubbing dispicable polly wog you once knew. I've stood before Davy Jones and his Empirial Majesty, Ruler of the Raging Main, lord of those who habitat the briney deep, King Neptunus Rex. 
Well, soon I'll be back in San Diego, and I still don't know how long I"ll be staying. It could be until the end of august 2006, or it could be a few weeks after I get back. I really wish they would just tell me if the orders are approved or not. At this point I really don't care if I end up going, it just taking so long and I want something solid.
Well, my Navy issue brother is in trouble. He drinks to much and now it turns out he might have started getting violent with his family since he moved to hawaii. Maybe he was always violent when I wasn't around and I just never knew about it. It really sucks. Now he thinks I've turned against him which is the opposite of what I would ever do. All I did was remind him that I knew some things about him that he might not other people to know about if his marrage comes down to a devorce because he wanted me to agree to testify. He got all pissed off and thought I was threatening to tell everyone but all I was doing was letting him know that putting me on the stand means that his wife's lawyer would also get to ask me things. Now instead of helping Jim and Jennifer work things out, I consider both of them friends, I am loosing my entire Navy Issue Family. My third mom told me I was a terrible friend and I should just forget about the entire family. Oliver, Jim's dad,  has been a wonderfull source of information regarding being a Christian and with my Bible studies but now he thinks I've been "corrupted" by Jennifer into trying to tear the family appart. Jim is acting lik I put a knife in his back and twisted it. So I'm done. Anything any of them send me over the net automatically goes to a seperate folder so I don't even have to see it in my in box, I told them in my last letter that I would respect their wish for me to forget about them and I wouldn't send another letter. I never wanted to loose Jennifer as a friend but if they divorce I can't really stay friends with her considering the situation, I wasn't sure which of them would get the girls in a custody battle, but now I lost them all. "aunt susan" is Jim's sister and she has offered to buy me a plane ticket to visit Oliver and Peggy in the past. Uncle Mark is kinda strange, but he's Susan's husband and a fellow Wisconsinite so we stick together when around those wierd southeners. The last two Christmas' I've spent with Jim's family in AZ instead of going back to milwaukee. Well, both my grand parent's on my mom's side are dead, and I've only met my Dad's brother a few times. So, all aunts and uncles are on my mom's side and grandparent's on my dad's side. Becoming friends with jim was like having an entire side of the family added. So, just picture your entire mom's side or dad's side suddenly dieing. That's what it felt like when I wrote the email agreeing to forget about them. I cried, standing in a watch station onboard ship, and what must have been the only other 3 people awake at 2 in the morning walked past and I had to assure them I wasn't going to try jumping off the side. I really don't know how I will ever find a family to fill that gap that never would have been there if I didn't join the Navy and meet my big brother Jim. I think it's highly unfair that Jim is the one under investigation and I'm the one that has already lost family. Even though I think I'll eventually look again, I'm fairly certain there are no in-laws in my future.

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