The List of Martell Artwork: Reposted

Mar 06, 2010 23:41

Doran 1 by mathia
Doran 2 by mathia
Two Steps Ahead by Jean Tay
Young!Doran by mathia (commission done for me)
Doran Martell's Command by Tomasz Jedruszek
Prince Doran Martell by IntheArmsofUndertow
Young!Doran on his Throne by jesatria
Young!Doran Portrait by jesatria
Young!Doran by zweihand
Doran/Mellario by vivianedanglars

Rhaegar & Elia by skyclearblue
Elia by adharaphoenix
Elia by motodraconis
Elia Martell by cloud_wolf
Elia by liaku (locked entry)
Elia & Ashara by misstopia (locked entry)
Elia Chibi by chacusha
Elia by lunylucy
Rhaegar & Elia by guad
Elia by jesatria
Elia by motodraconis

Arianne Martell by jezebel
Arianne by jesatria
Arianne Martell by cinsangel
Captive!Arianne by aricipogonici
Arianne by etrangere
Chibi!Arianne by regendy
Arianne & Arys by IntheArmsofUndertow
Arianne by John Matson
Asoiaf Girls (features Arianne) by Daenerys-Mod
Arianne by crisurdiales
Princess Arianne by Rhaelle
Arianne Martell by Lauren-Oh
Arianne by matitablu (locked entry)
Arianne in Her Prime by skyclearblue (locked entry)
Arianne by aricipogonici

General/Group Pics
Myrcella & Sand Snakes Comic by motodraconis
Sand Snakes on a Boat Trip by guad
Sand Snakes Group Portrait by Otherlander
Cartoon Sand Snakes by skyclearblue (locked entry)
The Older Sand Snakes by crisurdiales
Chibi!Obara by chacusha (locked entry)
Obara Sand by Eric Wilkerson
Obara by Martina Pilcerova
Nymeria Sand by SethEye
Chibi!Nymeria by chacusha (locked entry)
Nymeria by regendy
Chibi!Nymeria by regendy
Nymeria Sand by John Gravato
Lady Nym by Quickreaver
Nymeria by jesatria
Tyene Sand by SethEye
Chibi!Tyene by chacusha (locked entry)
Chibi!Tyene by regendy
Tyene Sand by Eric Wilkerson
Tyene by Michael Calandra
Tyene by guad
Tyene by ebonhost
Alleras by liaku (locked Entry)
Chibi!Sarella by chacusha (locked entry)
Alleras by regendy
Chibi!Sarella by regendy
Alleras the Sphinx by crisurdiales
Alleras by cowshed (locked entry)

Oberyn Portrait by Amok
Creepy!Oberyn by Amok
Oberyn's Death by Amok
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken by Amok
Sexy!Oberyn by kyena
Another Sexy Oberyn by M. Luisa Giliberti
Oberyn's Pole Vault by M. Luisa Giliberti
Oberyn in Armor by timett
The Viper that Felled a Mountain by timett
Oberyn by senekha (commission for me)
Extremely Sexy Oberyn by mathia
Ugly!Oberyn by henning
Oberyn Sketches w/ Elia by harpseals
Oberyn vs. Gregor by ajwins (locked entry)
Oberyn Martell by carturello
Mounted Oberyn by skyclearblue
Chibi!Oberyn by adharaphoenix
Prince Oberyn Martell by IntheArmsofUndertow
Oberyn Martell by schluse
The Red Viper by higheternity
Another Chibi!Oberyn by cusso82
Oberyn by guad
The Red Viper by Sir Heartsalot
The Red Viper by ebonhost
Chibi!Oberyn by twinsnake
Oberyn Portrait by skyclearblue (locked entry)
WHS!Oberyn by regendy (locked entry)
Kill Tywin featuring Oberyn by jesatria (locked entry)
Chibi!Oberyn by chacusha (locked entry)
Oberyn/Darkstar by mathia
Oberyn/Cersei by vivianedanglars

Asoiaf Sketchdump (features Ellaria) by pojypojy
Ellaria's Favor by Amok
Ellaria Portrait by Amok
Oberyn's Lover by Uwe Jarling
Ellaria Sand by Asha Regina di Ferro

Misc Martells
NotDornish!Quentyn by henning
Dany/Quentyn Westerpuffs by guad (locked entry)
Chibi!Quentyn Comic by regendy (locked entry)
Talent Show by skyclearblue
Trystane & Myrcella by IntheArmsofUndertow
Mellario of Norvos by jesatria
Princess Martell (mom of D, E, & O) by jesatria (locked entry)
Husband of Princess Martell by jesatria (locked entry)
Lewyn Martell by jesatria (locked entry)
Myriah Martell by chisakami
Daeron & Myriah Chibis by regendy (locked entry)
Nymeria & Mors Martell Westerpuffs by guad (locked entry)
Queen Nymeria of Dorne by IntheArmsofUndertow>
Martell Woman by skyclearblue
Martell Man by skyclearblue
Princes of the Sun by Tomasz Jedruszek
Trystane & Myrcella by guad

Group Pictures
Oberyn & Doran by Mike S. Miller (commission for me)
Wonderbaby featuring Oberyn & Elia by cabepfir
Young Oberyn & Elia by IntheArmsofUndertow
Oberyn & Ellaria Liek Mudkipz by zweihand (locked entry)
Chibi!Oberyn Enjoying Ellaria's Cleavage by zweihand (locked entry)
Honey (Oberyn/Ellaria- R) by pojypojy (locked entry)
Dornish Siblings by IntheArmsofUndertow
Martell Chibis by mathia
Two Princes by Sir Heartsalot
A Day in the Sun by ebonhost
Doran & Arianne 1 by Asha Regina di Ferro
Doran & Arianne 2 by Asha Regina di Ferro
Doran & Arianne by cowshed (locked entry)
Doran, Oberyn, & Elia by vivianedanglars
Doran & Little!Arianne by vivianedanglars

Other Stuff of Interest
Martell Window by guad
Martell Handbag by PicaraNara
The Dornishman by Stormcrow135
Map of Dorne by Other-in-Law
Sunspear by Martina Pilcerova
Sunspear by Ted Nasmith
The Water Gardens by crisurdiales

asoiaf, artwork, martells

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