WoW, has it been a LONG day! 1st time home ALLLL day! Stayed the night at Stef's last night got up to go to school...then worked all day at Best Buy. SoOo exhausted. But I can't complain, I need the money. Nothin new really. Working and school, as usual. Next week I'm scheduled to work 34 hours...don't have a day off. Gonna miss Stef's bday :(
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It's OnLy 10 o'clock and I'm about to just peel over. The past couple weeks have completely worn me down. more work. We will see how LoNg it will last. But anywho...this weekend has been pretty interesting. Friday was my FiRsT day of OrIeNtAtIoN at Best Buy. Wasn't bad. Filled out papers, after papers. After that went
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"You were EvErYtHiNg, EvErYtHiNg that I wAnTeD We were MeAnT to be, SuPPoSeD to be, but we LoSt it And all of our MeMoRiEs, so CloSe to me, just FaDe aWaY All this TiMe you were PrEtEnDiNg...So much for my HaPpY EnDiNg
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Well I just got done reading my last journal entry...and lets just say things are ToTaLLy different now, lol. Hmmm where to start. Well let me just say that with in the past month I have made some decisions...definately had to put some thought into them but "I'm better off everyday" because of them. School starts up August 25th. SoOoO hyped to
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Lately I have had a lot of time to just ThInK. I haven't really been doing anything, just working. Which is lovely. AlWaYs good to have a lil money. I should be starting my THIRD job pretty soon. I'm actually kinda excited...excited to work? What the hell is wrong with me. I guess it will just be a change of scenery. But I'm getting to that point
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Hmmm...where to start...? Well I haven't really been in that great of a mood lately. I really don't know what it is. Right now everything just seems to be Blah!...I have been working alot...RoLLiN in the money, which is AwEsOmE! But I hate the feeling of not wanting to do anything anymore. I work then come home and sit by myself or fall asleep.
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