It's april first.. also know's as APRIL FOOLS DAY... my paycheck has not been depositied yet.. this better not be a NOrth shore medical center's idea of a practical joke...
I have gone three weeks on this dumb prednisone with out the side effects.. why now?.. the hungry horrors are starting to kick in.. isn't it bad enough that it makes you bloated and swollen... why does it have to make you eat like a cow.. and that's exactly how the medical people phrase it.. haha
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Finally gone back to work... It was only half as bad as i expected.. thank god everyone I work with is so nice and helpful!... everyone is scaring me telling me what a 'close call i had' and how lucky i was to be where i was and what not
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Literally bored to tears... I am so bored.. I have cried.. now that my friend is bored! I have blanced my checkbook and that was my saturday morning entertainment
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I never have ever thought of being 22.. it's crazy... my friend sent me this :"hot flashes, slow metabolizsm, dizzy spells, it is only going to get worse"... sadly this week that was all true
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