a part time television job doing the same things and making the same amount as I do now but there is more opportunity for growth and its a bigger market
theres a freelancing agent guy i could hook you up with. i pay 55 bucks a month...every now and then he pulls through for me. i made 300 for 2 days of work at the patriots...
thats 5 months of me not having a gig through him...so i'm breaking even. i also have horrible available time for him, so depending on your availability, you may get more impressive/lucrative gigs.
i also used to work with a sound engineer from your part time cable place...if its worth anything, i could call him and see if he'd be willing to put in a good word.
sounds like a good connection, although I don't know if I would be able to pay any money. Honestly at this point, I have no idea where I am even going to live or how I will pay the rent until I get a second job. Probably going to have to live in my uncles basement for a few weeks. But that would be awesome to get in on a gig with this guy.. I will take anything I can. Thanks Wes :)
Comments 9
it does
thats 5 months of me not having a gig through him...so i'm breaking even. i also have horrible available time for him, so depending on your availability, you may get more impressive/lucrative gigs.
i also used to work with a sound engineer from your part time cable place...if its worth anything, i could call him and see if he'd be willing to put in a good word.
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