I got 2nds pierced straight to 8g at Blackbird Body Piercing yesterday so I thought I'd write about it and post some pics.
Once I got the recommendation and had a nosy around the shop a few months ago I just knew they were a quality outfit, everything a piercing place should be. I had thought I was doomed to DIY due to the low level of quality in
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Yesterday was my day off and we actually had some sun so I decided to take the last pic of my ears before I get my 8g seconds done on Friday. I'm pretty nervous about it but I figure I just wont look while the piercer is handling the 3.2mm needles! ( MY HEAD... )
As I promised to myself (discussed in my journal and here on off_stretched community.livejournal.com/off_stretched/436783.html) I have been purchasing only things I really, really want and will enjoy in the long term and not friveling (look, I invented a word!) my money away on ridiculous things that will end up staying in their baggies in my
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Such a pedestrian name does not describe this alien creature snuggled, purring by my side I call him Fur Face and Cattatafish and Mr Meow he calls me "mrrrow!" and "mwah!" and "ri-ri-reow!"
This fortnight was the first time in years I've had to worry about money. My partner is sick and has had to stop working for a while so I'm paying the rent, buying the food and paying the bills by myself. I've been doing well so far but this last two weeks I've had to pay for the gas and the electricity by myself for the first time, on top of
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Hi everyone. I'm more and more feeling I need to strike out on my own and get out of the 9-5. My job is very interesting and I generally enjoy it but I'm getting sick of being at whims of others (i.e. managers, the government who write the contracts I work within). I've worked in similar industries but lots of different environments within the last
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Hi guys, if I friend you I probably know you from BAF. If you don't know me well from there I've probably been lurking you and have a desire to increase my lurking access to view your ear pron. Add me
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Out of a desire to join Stretched, perhaps use Gauge Trade and lurk the pics and posts of people like Lishd, Splatterhouse and Atrophie I have finally succumbed to joining Live Journal. I know it will be like any other blog I have started, ending up floating around on the internet like flotsum and jetsum; three posts and five pictures from years
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