Calling all Jesse/Santana shippers who know how to use/apply those css-thingys, would be willing to make a header and/or promotional banner thats St. Lopez related, and enjoy prompting and receiving fanfiction...
Okay, first off I want to say hello and thank you! The community has been open for less then a month, and we've already had some great contributions, which is clearly awesome sauce. You guys have all been super supportive, and that rules, therefore, you rule! However, as it's been said, Rome wasn't built in a day, and there are a few things that could be done to really brighten the community up. And that's where you come in. Sort of.
The thing is... I'm not so savy in the ways of 'css' and 'header making'. What can I say, it's simply not my thang, and since I (and hopefully you) really do want the community to be the best it can be, I'm about to do something filled with dignity and self-love.
So please, if anyone could possible find it in their heart help a sister out and teach me the ways of 'css', and if someone else (or the same person, it doesn't really matter) could be an angel and make a header, I would be soooooooooo greatful.
Begging not working for you? I thought as much.
Because I understand that my winning smile and personality can't get me everywhere in life, I have a proposition for you; help me out with this css/header business (I'm thinking that this will be done by two different people (if there are two people willing), but if it's done by the same person, thats cool too) and, aside from getting full credit on the proflie page, I'll write a Jesse/Santana fic to your liking. Meaning that you give me any St. Lopez prompt, and I'll write you fanfic! (If you'd like to see an exaple of my writing, read my other Jesse/Santana fic
here) Seem fair?
So, if you're interested in helping out, please comment in this post and I'll contact you.
Please? I'll be your best friend...