Some facts about ME!

Jun 25, 2005 20:55

K, since I have nothing better to do right now, I thought I'd give everyone a better perspective of ME... ya know, a little insight into the wacky world of my brain, or something like that. Not that anyone cares. But here goes anyway...

I was raised a Catholic. I believe that there is a God, though I don't follow church teachings anymore. For example, I'm pro-choice (Though as a personal decision, I don't feel like I could ever have an abortion. But again, that's my decision, and I have never felt like I have the right to speak for everyone else)

How do I feel about the situation in the Middle East? To be honest, I'm not quite sure. Since I started college, I've had a whole new world opened to me, and there's still a few things I need to figure out. Personally, at this point in my life, I don't feel I'm educated enough about the situation in the Middle East to formulate a definite opinion. Which is something I am currently trying to change, because I want to be informed. Believe me, I do.

I hate snotty people. The ones who think they're better than everyone else. We all put on our pants one leg at a time, we're all human, we're all made equal. I wish everyone could accept that.

I hate it when people are too thin skinned, the people who can dish it out but can't take it back. That irks me. Really.

I hate celebrities who complain about the paparazzi and spend thousands of dollars on designer clothes, yet don't do anything to help those in need. And also, how exactly does it make sense that the very people who can afford to buy everything are the ones who get all the freebies? Somehow, that seems a little backwards to me.

I believe in being charitable, and in helping others. I believe in giving people second and third chances, but I don't believe in letting people walk all over you. Sometimes, certain people need to be called on their poor behavior, or else they think they can get away with murder.

I don't speak with my father, though I believe in respect and forgiveness. But I also believe in respecting other people's decisions as well. Sometimes others act like I am a horrible person for not speaking to my own father, but I always tell them that unless they actually lived in my house, they shouldn't judge. I am a very forgiving person, but even I have my limits. And I don't feel like I need to explain more than that just to change someone's opinion of me.

I believe in having manners, and raising your kids with manners as well, because rude people are becoming much more rampant these days, and I wish that little trend would cease.

I believe in giving everyone a chance, and not judging until you get to know someone, despite their beliefs, religion, race, sex, whatever. Everyone deserves to be given a fair chance. Period.

I believe in having to work for what you get. I hate it when people do nothing and expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

I hate bullies, with a passion. And believe me, I've watched my brother suffer through horrible bullying, to where every single person in his class ganged up on him. And I've suffered my fair share as well. (I used to be, well, a very pudgy child, and I used to get picked on all the time because of that.)

So in that spirit, I hate the Hollywood obsession with being skinny. Can't we just be happy with who we are?

I believe in having a sense of humor, and being able to laugh at yourself. Life is too short to take yourself too seriously.

I hate it when people blame their problems on everyone else. Take responsibility for your own actions already! Blaming something in your past isn't going to change the future, or the present. I've known people who've been dealt every single poor hand imagineable in life, yet they've always picked themselves up and kept going. I admire that, very much so.

I believe that it is way too easy to get a driving license in the US. I went through drivers Ed, and I was apalled by some of the people that were given a license! One who drove her dad's car through a store window when she had her learner's permit! There's just too many bad drivers on the road. Nuff said.

I hate homophobics, racists, and narrow-minded people. My cousin is gay, and him and his partner are quite possibly the two coolest, sweetest people I know. As far as I'm concerned, his sexual orientation shouldn't even be a factor. But unfortunately, far too often it is, simply because of those narrow-minded people in the world who judge based on petty things.

I believe in giving hugs to friends and family, and I believe in smiling at strangers.

I believe in learning from your mistakes.

I believe in romance, despite having to witness my parents' divorce. I'm not naive, and I know real life isn't a fairy tale, but I'm not cynical either. And though it hasn't actually happened for me yet, I'm holding out hope that that special guy will come into my life eventually, who I can really connect with better than anyone else. And hopefully that will happen someday soon.

I am very close with my mom and brother, and I consider my best friend to be like a sister. I believe in not taking your friends or family for granted.

I am insecure and shy at times, while other times I can be silly and loud. I can also procrastinate, be stubborn, and get moody.

I can be indecisive. I have never even decided on a favorite color...It's somewhere between blue, purple, and green. But I realize I have my faults, as do we all. And I believe in recognizing that fact that we all have them, because we're all human.

I grew up in Chicago, and I love my hometown. I'm a huge Cubs fan.

But I hate cold weather, and I'm liking the weather in Florida much better (hurricanes aside, lol)

I cry at sad movies, and a really beautiful song can give me goosebumps.

I always made honor roll, I played clarinet in band (and would always get incredibly nervous whenever I had to play a solo).

I was in art club, I was a color guard, I played Auntie Em in my seventh grade production of The Wizard of Oz, I was on the school newspaper, I played volleyball, and I was a starter on defense in soccer.

I have an older brother, who is my only sibling.

I have a small family.

I am Irish, Italian, German, Dutch, and Cherokee Indian.

I love pasta, ice cream, and well, actually, I love most foods. Except I am a vegetarian, though I do eat seafood on occasion. But I don't eat beef, pork, chicken, turkey, etc.

I love animals, and I have a dog and a cat.

I hate people who are cruel to animals (and children too for that matter.) Of course, abuse of any kind gets me incredibly upset, but especially when it's a case of picking on someone/something that really can't defend themselves, such as children, elderly, animals, etc. That's just the lowest of the low.

Snakes don't bother me, but I'm terrified of spiders. I'm also mildly claustrophobic.

I'm afraid of heights, but I love roller coasters. It's the thrill of it, I suppose...

I think astronomy is fascinating, and sometimes I still find myself in awe of things I see in nature. Though I haven't yet seen the Grand Canyon, which is definitely something I want to do.

I also love traveling, though I've never yet been overseas.

I love movies of all kinds. Old movies, new ones, comedy, war movies, action, romance, horror. It really depends on what mood I'm in.

The last movie I saw was Batman Begins, and I actually liked it.

My favorite actors are Tom Hanks, Johnny Depp, (and of course, JM!)

I love all kinds of music, but I especially love Weezer, 311, Aerosmith, ACDC, Breaking Benjamin, Crossfade, Disturbed, Simple Plan, New Found Glory...and the list goes on.

I loved Buffy, Friends, Frasier, Third Rock, Family Guy, That 70's Show, The Simpsons, Whose Line is it Anyway, and House. I also love American Idol (and I'm not ashamed to admit it either. Heck, I even like that new celebrity dance show. I also love extreme makeover home edition...It gives me the warm and fuzzies to see people get that kind of help in their lives, especially when they're such deserving people. Though in all, I tend to hate reality TV. The Bachelor and Fear Factor...spare me.)

Well, that's about it....There may be some things people disagree with me about, but I respect that, because hey, we're all entitled to our opinions. Plus, maybe I'm just not communicating my own opinions in the most eloquent of ways. I can be an articulate writer when I put my mind to it, but I tend to let my thoughts get away with me and jumble my words when I get up on my soap box, lol.

And really, this is just an outline of sorts about who I am as a person. I don't think anyone can really sum up every little detail about themselves and their life experiences in one journal entry. Personally, I prefer to be able to say that I am a complex individual who has had a seasoned life thus far, and who hopes to have many more years of experience to come.

And I'll shut up now, promise. Before everyone officially thinks I'm crazy. Which it may already be a little late for that, but whatever.... Here endeth the rant ;)

~Jess :-)

*This isn't the greatest live journal post in the world, this is just a tribute.... (Tenacious D rocks! LOL)
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