I have a case of crafter's back right now, that stitch you get in your back from hunching over the glue gun and/or the crochet for an extended period of time.
I've made some cozies for my new best friend, Little Big Brain, my iPod.
Actually, these cozies are a little sloppy. I made both of them with the idea that I was just going to try out the techniques and make these cozies as preliminaries for the real ones. But I like them just enough to want to use them in place of the tacky store-bought one, and they cover the docking port, which I WANT protected while Little Big Brain spends the day in my purse.
Cozy #1
It's made with felt in the style of a cozy made by t
his crafter on Craftster. Except instead of using a Ziploc bag for the window, I used some clear vinyl, and I used my sewing machine instead of hand stitching anything. You can see where the windows don't line up.
When the cozy flap is closed, here's what it looks like:
I used a screen print I made a long time ago. I printed the same image on three sheets of felt: one red, one orange, and one yellow. When the paint dried, I cut the copies up and fit them back together like a puzzle.
It Velcros shut:
So there you have it.
Cozy #2 is
cyntergomes' design from the Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet book.
Again, my version is a little sloppy. I was trying to guess on measurements because my iPod is not the same one in the example Cynthia uses. Plus, I like the bigger googley eyes that she uses!
I tried to sew the sides up so that Little Big Brain would have the snuggest fit, but that made the tops not line up. And the pocket is still too big, really; Little Big Brain would not be safe floating around in my purse in this cozy as it is. Still, I intended this attempt to serve as a template for modifications to be made.
Time to set the clocks forward.