so, from friday-sunday i went camping at yogi land with bree. first off lets just say yogi bear sucks ass...he fucking punched me and ruined my hair(not that i really care bout that part), thats when i puncked him back eventhough i seriously doubt that he felt all. and i seriously doubt that he likes cinday, i think he has a thing for amanda, the bitch in the yellow shirt who tried 2 make the vollyball into a cast. we go...
on the way there we basically fought about which radio station 2 listen 2. Then bree left me with the EVIL CHICKEN! I smelled like chivettas for like ever cuz the lid didn't exactly work very well. Then we played Dukes Of Hazzard on the high abundance of hills on this random street. we were 2 busy flying and practicly breaking the back of mrs fries's car that we passed the street that we needed 2 turn down like 20 kazillia times.
we go there at like 4ish? and then mrs fries pulled up to a chalet thingy instead of a tent and we were all like wtf? and then she said that we were staying there instead and then we all got really excited(especially bree). then bree and i wandered around aimlessly down and, worse, up these ginormous hills. then we went swimming 4 like 3 minutes then we played candy bar bingo and the ppl at our table kept fucking winning and this kid that was like 10ish? kept saying got it or dont got it for EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NUMBER!!!!!! and i was starting 2 hate them A LOT til this other kid(15, 16?) with an orange hat came and sat next 2 them that was REALLY hott! and then we went swimming again and this prego woman kept yelling at us cuz brianna kept jumping on random ppls backs and kicking them and splashing and spitting water at them so we had 2 take her back 2 the chalet and then when we went back w/o her it was still really wierd cuz evil wicked prego(i feel really bad 4 her baby. if i were it i would never come out). and then there were these 2 guys that looked gay and then they left cuz i think that they figured out that we were talking about them. and then we just randomly played in the pool and bree and autumn(brees sis) and i had these bizzare competitions(autumn can do 9 flips underwater in one breath! phycho) and then it started raining so bree and i played vollyball in the pool in the rain and then we(and by we i mean bree!)hit this woman in the "shnoz" with the ball and then she just went silent and we didn't know whether or not she would get really really mad or not. and she was really quiet for a long time and then she just started cracking up and then shouting to like everyone "hey, these kids just hit me in the shnoz with the ball!" and she told like everyone there the same thing til we all left when it started raining! then we went back and took showers(and EVERYONE in yogi land knew how brees hair smelled!) and then we ate dinner(chicken and potatoes and stuff) and then there was this "teen social" thing that like every teen in yogi world went 2 it but nobody was actually inside, we were all just playing on the playground right across from the building. so, bree and i went back 2 the chalet 2 get money 4 food and then when we got back the bitch amanda was closing it cuz nobody was in there! it was hilarious! so then we went 2 get food but then they were like were closed. so then we went 2 the game room where EVERY person that was at the playground went. so bree and i started a game of pool with like a total of 5 balls cuz they wouldn't all come out. even still it took us like 1 hour to finish the gaem. but like half way through these 2 twins?(idk but they dressed alike)were like "can we play the winner, its on us" and were like sure. but then it took us forever so they just like left. these ppl then became our stalkers and they were EVERYWHERE that we was rather...ummm...bizzare. but then we just went back and like got ready 4 bed and then watched Saving Silverman wich is like the second best movie in the history of funny movies. but then mrs fries got up and then we ate cheese and crackers and peps. and then we played this game with brianna in which we saw who could fall asleep first and whoever won got a hug from me. so then we watched connan and then eventually fell asleep after several hay rides. this is when ill take a break and start a new entry cuz its length is already pissing sam off, i can tell.