Such a long one.
The last week of school was chill, I guess. I had my girls, and Andrew, and I made lots of yummies for school. Friday started at Jayk's house I think, and everyone was drunk. Alex came by, and left, and we took Matt home, and went to Alex's friends house. I started drinking, all in all, had about 12 to 15 shots of Captain, threw up a bunch for the first time in years, passed out at Alex's. I woke up in the morning, stayed in bed forever, went to the mall with Alex to drop of Scott's shoes, and threw up in the parking lot. I went home, and my mom decorated the tree, and I stayed in for the night.
Sunday, I don't remember what the hell we did, but I'm going to try and figure it out.
Monday was Christmas Eve. We cleaned the house during the day, I made cookies and fudge, and we had a pretty substantial dinner with friends and family. We all gave gifts, and although I was a bit disappointed, I felt better giving more than I received. I woke my parents up at midnight trying to open the last of my presents that I was supposed to be getting Christmas morning.
Tuesday was Christmas Day. It was basically just a chill day, with dinner at my grandma's. Christine came over, we worked on a puzzle, visited with my stuck up family, and left. We ended up at someone's house, I forget who's.
I hardly remember Wednesday through Friday, except that Wednesday was just a chill, boring night at Greg's, I think Thursday was the same except everyone was high off of weed brownies, except a couple, including myself and Christine. Friday, Christine drank so I was DD. She drank at Greg's, then we went to Jim's where she was drunk and drank more, and almost fell out of the trunk but thought some guy pulled her out. I saw Marty at in n out, and we got hit on by some creepers. We ended up back at David's eventually, and Chelsey followed us back to Christine's house to take me home from there. Christine was still drunk, and even though I drove her all night, and all the way home, she went back out to Jim's house, so I yelled at her for being so fucking stupid. She went home.
Saturday night, we went chilled at my house, went to Christine's for a bit, and then to Aaron's. I left with Aaron, Matt and Brother Moot to get more alcohol, pick up Christian and K Fed, and we went back to Aaron's. They were chasing their vodka with raw eggs, olive juice, and butter. Gross. They had protein beer too. Icky.
Sunday, Christine and I went to in n out with Chelsey and Chelsea, then left and went to Jim's house and watched Deja Vu with him. Pretty relaxing actually.
Monday was New Year's Eve and we planned to spend it at Moot's house. Terrible fucking night. We got ready, and went to the show at the Phoenix. Sam put me in a bad mood because I didn't have time to go see him, so he got all mad and desperate for me to see him. We watched Kole Throne which was good, and we left during some annoying soul band's set to get in n out. We came back, and the band was still playing. Christine wasn't down to stay the night at Devon's or to stay at the show much longer, so we left to go to Moot's house. It was good at first, a lot of people, not a huge rager, but it was fun. Christine, Jared, Jim and I left to go to the market to get grey goose, then we saw the Jessica's and Aaron, who kicked me in the leg. Then we went looking for food for Jerrod, and found none, so we went back to Moot's. A lot of people left while we were gone, and it was definitely lame as hell. Everyone was belligerent drunk at this point, and Christine's cozying up to Jerrod, and I was miserable. Moot got mad at me because I wouldn't make out with him, so he yelled at me to get the fuck out of his house, and pushed me. Then Hyde did the same thing, except it was because I wouldn't let him grab my ass. So at midnight, I'm pissed, and miserable sitting on the couch watching the ball drop, especially because Christine didn't want to leave because she had Jerrod since his girlfriend went to Italy. After that, B Train and Big Red wanted to leave, as well as Jim and Jake Mazursky, so I decided to go with them because Christine still didn't want to leave. We went to Christian's, dropped off Jim, then to Greg's and picked up Mouse, and they dropped me off at Devon's. It's about 1 at this point, and my night started to pick up. Rob and I were talking for awhile which was nice, and Ian was being cute as always, but Chelsey put a sour taste in my mouth (no pun intended) by getting jealous of him and I, so she sat on his lap and started making out with him all night. Whatever, anyways, I smoked and drank, chilled with Rj while he broke edge, and basically had a chill night. Tricia decided to come and get me with her mom, Haley and Lauren at about 6 in the morning, so I came home, talked with my mom, and went to sleep.
New Year's Day (good band) was basically just dinner, and they sang at it which was weird. And I didn't do anything after.
Yesterday I woke up at about 3 in the morning, watched a few movies, got ready adn finally got my permit after forever. I hung out with Tricia, and we went to Laurie's which ended up with me in tears, and a good, satisfying long talk. Tricia and I came back to my house, watched t.v and talked forever. We woke up this morning, got ready hellof quick, went with her mom to her doctor's appt, shopped, ran errands, and I came home and slept all day.
I don't think I'm doing much of anything anymore, such as drinking, partying, etc. It's becoming a bad lifestyle and I'm suffering the repercussions of it in such a bad way.
Have a good year!