Take this quiz, post the results, and see how much things have changed since then.
How old were you?: 13
Where did you go to school? Kelly Middle School
Where did you work?: I didnt
Where did you live?: Here
Where did you hang out?: Emily's, Heathers, Katies
How was your hair style?: like, the same length as now, but I was blonde, and i straightened it like everyday
Did you wear braces?: no
Did you wear glasses?: yeah
Who was your best friend?: Emily
Who was your celebrity crush?: Mark Wahlberg
Did you have more guy friends or girl friends?: girl
Who was your regular-person crush?: Steve Brown(HA!)
How many piercings did you have?: 5
How many tattoos did you have?: Umm... none
What kind of music were you into?: Stupid shit
What was your favorite band?: I dont remember
What was your biggest fear?: I dont know
Favorite color?: Blue probably
Had you smoked a cigarette: yeah
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: no
Had you driven yet?: not a car
Where do you go to school?: East Detroit High School
Where do you work?: nowhere
Where do you live?: here
Where do you hang out?: My house, Sarahs, ummm,
How is your hair style?: medium length, brownish, and curly with bangs
Do you wear glasses?: Contacts
Do you have more guy friends or girl?: Guys
Who is your celebrity crush?: Drake Bell
Who is your regular-person crush?: Rob
How many tattoos do you have?: Nope.
How many piercings do you have?: 7 - all in my ears
What kind of music are you into?: all
What is your favorite band?: oh crap, Guns N Roses, Green Day, ummm... Gwen, and some other nonsense
What is your biggest fear?: college
Have you driven yet?: yes
Favorite color?: Green
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: yeah
Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: yes, both