Stole some quizzes from Melody cuz I'm bored!

Nov 21, 2006 05:11

I took the "The Nine Muses" quiz on

My muse is...
Calliope is the patron goddess of epic poetry. She is often depicted holding a writing tablet and wearing a golden crown, for she is the oldest of the muses and their leader. Her name means "The Fair Voiced," but Calliope inspires eloquence in writing. Read more...

Who is your muse?

I took the "

if you were a silver screen siren...
" quiz on

I am...

Lena Horne

By rejecting typical roles offered to African-Americans, Lena took a big risk--and it paid off in movies like Cabin in the Sky and Stormy Weather.

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Which silver screen siren are you?

I took the "if you were a ghost..." quiz on

I am a...
guide spirit
Always watchful, the guide spirit is one spectre that lights the way for others. Call it compassion or just plain kindness, but it seems like you often fill a "guardian angel" role.

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What kind of ghost are you?

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