I took the "
The Nine Muses" quiz on
gURL.com ![](http://a820.g.akamai.net/f/820/822/1d/i.ivillage.com/gurl/play/quizzes/quiz_ninemuses/blog/muse_calliope.jpg)
My muse is...
Calliope is the patron goddess of epic poetry. She is often depicted holding a writing tablet and wearing a golden crown, for she is the oldest of the muses and their leader. Her name means "The Fair Voiced," but Calliope inspires eloquence in writing.
Who is your muse?
I took the "
if you were a silver screen siren...
" quiz on
I am...
Lena Horne
By rejecting typical roles offered to African-Americans, Lena took a big risk--and it paid off in movies like Cabin in the Sky and Stormy Weather.
Which silver screen siren are you?
I took the "
if you were a ghost..." quiz on
gURL.com ![](http://a820.g.akamai.net/f/820/822/1d/i.ivillage.com/gurl/play/quizzes/quiz_ghost/blog/guidespirit.jpg)
I am a...
guide spirit
Always watchful, the guide spirit is one spectre that lights the way for others. Call it compassion or just plain kindness, but it seems like you often fill a "guardian angel" role.
What kind of ghost are you?