Senses Census
1: What is your favorite sound? people saying things that make me happy
2: How about your favorite type of music? everything
3: What kinds of things do you like hearing people say? that they love me and things that make me feel good about myself.
4:What kinds of sounds scare you? the kinds that are in the dark and i dont know what they are
5: Is there a particular sound that brings back a fond memory? certain songs
6: What about a sound that brings back a bad memory? i don't know
7: What is the oddest sound you’ve ever heard? probably some noise an animal or my dog makes
8: The obvious question: what’s your favorite colour? red
9: What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen? what that chick was doing on the bus she was sanding up and changing the radio and holding the back of her vagina in front of the whole bus
10: Have you ever tried to stare directly into the sun? yes
11: What kinds of images tend to draw your attention? awesome ones
12: Looks-wise, describe the perfect person: no
13: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen?the bus thing again ha
14: What is the most hilarious thing you’ve seen in your life? i dont know, damn
15: Are you ticklish? yes
16: If so, where? everywhere except like my shoulders and forearms
17: What’s the softest thing you’ve ever touched? something soft
18: How about the hardest? probably liek a stone counter or something
19: What is your favorite kind of texture? soft/ fuzzy
20: Has there ever been something you’ve been afraid of touching? yes
21: Since it falls under “touch,” what is the most painful thing that has ever happened to you?i dont damn know, probably fucking cramps or a stomach ache
22: Another obvious one: what’s your favorite food? cheesecake icecream, noodles, i dont know
23: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever tasted? dont remember
24: Did you like it? dont know
25: What’s the grossest taste ever?spacefood *will vomit if i think about it for more than 5 second*
26: And the best taste? A lot of things
27: What taste is the blandest? flour, i dont know?
28: What’s your favorite kinds of taste (sweet, sour, etc.)? sweet or liked spiced but not spicy
29: What’s the nicest smell ever? autumn
30: The worst? vomit
31: How do you feel about Scratch & Sniff stickers? heck yes
32: What’s your favorite type of air freshner? ones that smell good fruity maybe, like peach
33: Ever smelled something so rank you’ve cried? maybe
34: Do you remember that Gack stuff? yes
35: Smelled terrible, didn’t it? YES! i remember completely
The Sixth Sense
36: Do you believe that the human mind has psychic powers waiting to be unleashed? sure
37: If we got to pick our powers, what kind would you pick? the kinds to make myself talented and likable and have a clear and like hairless body besides my head and eyebrows/eyelashes
38: Do you think the world would be better or worse with unlocked mind powers? worse
39: Why? we dont say the things outloud for a reason, it is in our head for privacy
40: Would you use the powers for good or evil? probably considered evil to like the supposed jesus
41: Would you use them in everyday situations (Argh, the remote is all the way over there!), or just when you felt you needed to (Argh, this semi truck is crushing my spine!)? damn, both
42: Did you sense the end of this quiz coming up?no
All i do is bitch bitch bitch recently, and that is all i am capable of, and what i bitch about doesn't even get better. why am i so damn upset with everything. i havent been able to cry about things in a long time adn today i had to keep myself from crying like 15 times adn actually did at least twice. "Blah Blah Blah Bitch"-jessi