I see: this computer, a white wall, a coupon for a free "pizookie"
I need: to be home, sleep, to be with jordan for i miss him, to not feel sick, lotion for my dry skin from california sucky dry air
I find: a survey for entertainment, and ibuprofen for my headache, that didnt work
I want: to be home, to not feel sick
I have: 5 sucky days left of california
I wish: i were home and being hugged or something of the sort, adn that the next 5 days will go by fast
I love: Jordan!
I hate: being cold, feeling sick, being away from home for 2 weeks
I miss: jordan, rachel, all friends and family that is home, home in general, florida in general
I fear: tornados, frogs, that i am goign to fill this all out and close the window by accident
I feel: my hurting head, tiredness, too warm of air
I hear: the computer making an annoying noise, some sort of tool outside used while fixing a fence, typing
I smell: nothing
I crave: sleep haha, something cooked at home, ramen soup, food i actually like
I search: i am not searching
I wonder: why i agreed to coming here for two weeks, why i hiked up that mountain today
I regret: coming here for 2 weeks, one would have been plenty
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: sometime today, but it was probably just because someone was saying something stupid to me and i didnt know what to say back or didnt want to see rude
Laughed?: today when talking to my brother and he was asking if i got gang banged multiple times in mexico and i said yes haha
Cried?: today when i though i was going to die and my aunt made me climb the mountain anyways
Bought something?: when i went to tijuana
Danced?: joking around probably recently, like slow danced would be homecoming
Were sarcastic?: last time i talked to rachel on the phone probably
Kissed someone?: June 20th ); jesus christ i need to be home.
Talked to an ex?: yesterday, but my going out with him was like pointless, i didnt talk to him while we went out so he was basically always just a friend
Watched your favorite movie?: a few weeks ago
Had a nightmare?: lst night and the night before, well the werent really scary one was seeming like it should be but i found it amusing, the other was sad
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: in the middle of gay life of pi
Last movie you saw: carrie
Last song you heard: i dont know, something on xm radio
Last thing you had to drink: v8 splash
Last time you showered:this afternoon
Last thing you ate: an oatmeal pie
Do You ...
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Have sex?: i haven't but i would imagine at some point in my life haha
Sleep with stuffed animals?: no if i do they piss me off and i throw them off the bed, but i dont anyways
Live in the moment?: i dont know
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes, a boyfriend of course
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: well they have been similar in some parts
Play an instrument?: yeah
Believe there is life on other planets?: of course! just maybe not in the solar system, i believe it would be impossible to have earth the only planet anywhere to have life
Remember your first love?: what do they mean by first love, first person you were in love with, or made love to...if in love with then yes
Still love him/her?: yes
Read the newspaper?: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: maybe but they have yet to come out of the closet
Believe in miracles?: maybe
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: call me stupid, but i dont know what that means, faithful to what?...if to your boyfriend haha, of course
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: i suppose
Consider love a mistake?: of course not
Like the taste of alcohol?: well haha, i do find it exciting
Have a favorite candy?: kind of, butterscotch, twizzlers, these coffee flavored things, candy corn
Believe in astrology?: eh, i thought i did but not really
Believe in magic?: sure
Believe in God?: multiple
Pray?: the only time i did was before and right after my mom died, i was hoping for a miracle of sorts and was desperate...didnt work, and wasnt to only god haha
Go to church?: nope, i have gone with rachis before though
Have any secrets?: i suppose so. but everyone has some
Have any pets: yes...splinter, tree, sam, those asshole fish that i dont like too much haha
Do well in school?: yeah but ms harvey had to give me a goddamn b, i swear that woman is crazy
Go to or plan to go to college?: i plan to
Have a major?: not yet, considering i am just oging into 10th grade
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: sure, because they normally arent strangers, just bitches playing tricks on people
Wear hats?: no
Have any piercings?: 7 total in my ears, everyone says i should get my belly button pierced, i swear it will look like shit
Have any tattoos?: no but i believe one day i will get one if i decided to not be a pansy for a little while
Hate yourself?: i wouldn't say hate, and only dislike on a few occasions
Have an obsession?: i dont think so
Have a secret crush?: oh of course, what a secret it is...no
Do they know yet?: no secret crushes
Collect anything?: rocks from different places, bags, i have a shitload of beanie babies i used to collect
Have a best friend?: yes, more than one i suppose
Wish on stars?: i have but not too often
Like your handwriting?: kind of, it sucks but is different than basically everyone's i have seen
Have any bad habits?: i bite my nails but i really dont realize it anymore
Care about looks?: my own? yeah i try to look nice, i tend to fail in my opinion
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: no, but i dont have to worry about that anyways because he is good looking, but i would be sad if he shaved his head
Friends and other people?: i dont care what they look like, does it really matter, no
Believe in witches?: sure haha
Believe in Satan?: maybe
Believe in ghosts?: yes