blah, kicking the bucket now

Aug 23, 2005 15:21

thats supposed to say "boy, do i love surveys" but its not working

People have you loved?: just loving someone is different than being in love, i have only been Inlove with one person
People have you kissed?:1
Commandments have you broken?:i dont know haha
Places have you lived in (for over 3 months)?: 4 or 5
Countries have you been to?:2
Languages can you speak fluently?: one
People are you talking to right now?: none
Times have you been in a car today?: a bus twice
Different kinds of meat have you eaten?: i dont know?
Different kinds of liquor have you tasted?: a lot i have tasted i guess
Jobs you have held?:none exactly
Years of school have you attended?: 10 including kindergarten and not this year yet
Shows have you been to this month?: shows? none
Friends would you call "close"?: i dont know haha 2

1. In terms of houses...

When you were a little kid, you: lived in barefoot bay
Today: i live in an old wooden house

2. In terms of music...

When you were a little kid, you: classic rock, whatever my mom and dad listened to, plus my brothers, so like country, rap, rock, hippie music, everything at all, plus little kid songs
Today: everything

3. In terms of the opposite sex...

When you were a little kid, you: didnt have a problem with them, i had a lot of crushes when i was little
Today: guys tend to be cooler than girls on some occasions, plus the love of my life (: is a boy obviously so they couldnt be any better

4. In terms of school...

When you were a little kid, you: i liked school
Today: i hate it passionately this year

5. In terms of what you wanted to be...

When you were a little kid, you: i wanted to work in toys R us to get all the free toys i could, or to tour africa taking pictures of animals
Today: photographer or interior designer

6. In terms of your personality...

When you were a little kid, you: i really wouldn't know
Today: i really dont know either

7. In terms of money...

When you were a little kid, you: were really excited when you realized you had 5 dollars in your little bunny piggy bank thing...i would go to the store and buy things like balloons
Today: save it or buy clothes or buy food or buy people things

how long does it take you to (or how often do you):

+ wake up in the morning : 8 or 17 minutes and then i get scared the snooze button wont work
+ fall asleep at night : when i am lucky it takes like 1 minutes, it could take like an hour
+ make out : depends haha
+ eat breakfast : like 5 minutes, depending on the breakfast
+ eat dinner : if it is a real dinner like 15 minutes or something
+ check your email : once a day if not every other day
+ update your journal : barely ever, and only with surveys or if i am mad about something
+ write a handwritten letter : 5 minutes to like an hour
+ run a mile : wouldnt know
+ drive to school/work : i dont drive and on the bus it takes like 30 minutes
+ stop crying once you start : 1-20 minutes haha
+ talk a problem out with someone else : depends on the problem and who i am taking to, probably 30 minutes
+ fall in love with someone : i dont know how long it takes
+ get to the Tootsee Roll center of a Tootsee Pop : like 30 minutes
+ get enough guts to do something scary : 20 minutes?
+ get off of a caffeine high : i dont know
+ eat a foot-long Subway sandwich : if it was possible for me probably like 30 minutes
+ take a bath/shower : 20-35 minutes
+ fill out a 100 question survey : 30 minutes
+ pick which CD to buy : 5 minutes?
+ go pee : not very long, like 20 seconds
+ get bored with a dull movie : like 15 minutes if it really sucks and there is something else i want to be doing
+ get a headache from spending so much time on the computer : like 4 hours or more haha
+ get ready to go out on a hot date : i dont go on hot dates haha, but with shower and all it would probably take me an hour
+ get over a bad cold/flu : a week?
+ pick out a brand new outfit from a store : an hour haha
+ finish reading a 350 page novel : depends on my motivation, sometimes like 3 days sometimes a year
+ cook a meal : depends completely on the meal...ramen soup, 5 minutes (including time for water to boil)

[01] what's your first name? Jessi
[02] middle name? Lee
[03] last name? becke
[04] nicknames? jess or nothing ha
[05] age? 15
[06] gender? female
[07] birthday? 7-24-90
[08] your sign? leo
[09] where do you live? florida
[10] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
[11] if so what's her/his name? Jordan!
[12] have you ever been in love? yes, i am
[13] who are/were your crushes? i have no crushes for i am in love
[14] do you have any piercings, or want any piercings? i have my ears a lot and belly button
[15] if so what do you have/want pierced? more in my ears would be cool
[16] do you have a tattoo or want one? a tattoo would be cool
[17] if so what kind and where? i dont know
[18] where do you shop at the most? i dont know
[19] what color is your hair? it is supposed to be dyed red but it is like looking blonde and i am going to die
[20] what color are your eyes? brown
[21] how tall are you? 5'3"
[23] do you smoke? no
[24] do your friends smoke? smoke what, what friends
[25] who are your closest friends? rachel, jordan
[26] who are your friends? a bunch of people in school, barely anyone that i talk to/hang out with out of school besides online
[27] who are your best friends online? lthe same as not online
[28] do you like bath & body works? yes
[29] kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? VO5 and pantene pro-v right now
[30] is your hair short or long? shortish but getting longer
[31] do you like to shop? yes
[32] what sports do you play? none pssht
[33] what turns you on? uhh...
[34] what turns you off? having to stop kissing because you need to burp really loud haha (;
[35] what place do you go for fun? no where
[36] what do you do for fun? nothing (my mood is getting crappier if you cant tell)
[37] how many phones do you have in your house? 3, that are attached
[38] how many tv's do you have in your house? 7 i think but like 2 arent hooked up
[39] what's your favorite food(s)? i dont know, i like chinese buffets alot
[40] do you look like anyone famous? no, famous people tend to be very good looking, therefore it isnt possible
[41] do you think ricky martin is muy guapo (very handsome)? no haha
[42] who are the most attractive people you know? pssht, my boyfriend
[43] are you a virgin? yes
[44] do you wish to be like your parents? no, well my mom sure, but not my dad
[45] what cologne should a hot guy wear? anything that is hot
[46] what are you listening to right now? i was listening to something corporate
[47] what time is it? 3:52 pm
[48] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone? an hour or more when people are cool and talk
[49] do you have your own phone line? i did, plus a cell phone
[50] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? yes
[51] what are your favorite shoes? i dont know
[52] what kind of clothes do you sleep in? pants or short shorts and a very small tank top
[53] what's your favorite soda? strawberry
[54] what things do you say a lot? i dont know
[56] who is the coolest person in the world? me...just not
[57] do you think you're weird or funny? i suppose
[58] what would you prefer thong or bikini? depends on the pants, sleeping in thongs isnt very fun
[59] who was the last person you called? last person i called i dont know, last person who called me was rachel cause i am still talking to her
[60] where do you wanna get married? anywhere pretty, just not a church
[61] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school? pssht, who do you think
[62] what are your favorite girl names? weird cool hippie like things
[63] what are your favorite guy names? weird things also
[64] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years? i am giving up on typing shit
[65] what's your favorite childhood memory? i cant think because rachel is saying really loud annoying noises
[66] what is your favorite fast food restaurant? checkers or burger king or quik snack
[67] who do you really dislike? aaron, plus all of the whores in 9th grade
[68] do you have any brothers and sisters? yes
[69] if so, names? dan and chris
[70] do you have a pool? a little on
[71] do you have a spa? no
[72] are you stupid? no
[73] what are you addicted to? jordan haha
[74] do you like jewelry? yes
[75] who do you wish you were? not tired and shitty feeling
[76] who has it easier, boys or girls? i dont know
[77] would you rather be short or tall? normal
[78] do you like to dance? no, cause i cant
[79] do you like playing pranks on people? no, i cant for somereason
[80] what's your least favorite subject in school? english
[81] what's your favorite subject in school? nothing
[82] what time is it? 4 01
[83] what college do you wanna go to? i dont know
[84] what school do you go to now? srhs
[85] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64? both
[85] if so, what are your favorite games? anything mario related
[87] do you sleep a lot? i wish i could
[88] what are your favorite radio stations? i cant type them cause i am holding a phone and one hand typing sucks
[90] are you a morning person? no
[91] what's your favorite tv station? dont know
[92] do you shave? if someone my age doesnt shave their legs that is weird
[93] how often do you shower? at least once a day with the exception of like a saturday or sunday occasionally
[94] do you get along with your parents? not really
[95] what room do you spend the most time in? this room
[96] how many rooms does your house have? 4 bedrooms
[97] what do you wanna be when you're out of school? photographer, interior designer
[98] do you curse a lot? sometimes
[99] are you ticklish? yeah
[101] what are you wearing right now? green pants, fender shirt
[102] do you go to church? no
[103] do you like the person who sent you this? it wasnt sent
[104] do you believe in god? i suppose
[105] do you like to watch pda's? public displays of affection...? not really haha i dont have an interest in other peoples' affection but i dont have a problem with it
[106] do you show pda? i try to not because i dont want to get in trouble
[107] do you believe in love at first sight? not at first sight
[108] what color tooth brush do you use? i think it is red now
[109] how many times a day do you brush your teeth? twice
[110] who is your favorite cartoon character? i dont know
[111] do you have a job? no
[113] what's your favorite fruit? Strawberries, plums, peaches, more
[114] what's your favorite veggies? corn! green beans!
[115] what's your favorite candy? twizzlers, butterscotch
[116] what was the best day of your life so far? i really dont know
[117] what are you gonna do today? vomit or something
[118] are you momma's little angel? no
[119] do you wear body spray? yes
[120] who is the sweetest girl? i dont know
[121] who is the sweetest guy? my boyfriend of course!
[122] are you wearing nail polish now? on my toes
[123] if so, what color? teal like always
[124] how many rings or necklaces do you own? a million
[125] do you wear a watch? i used to,not for a long while
[126] did/do you have braces? i do
[127] are you tired? hell yes
[129] do you have freckles? a few, on my face
[130] what are you thinking right now? like rachel is talking and its not working because she is making random conversation and it is annoying as shit cause i want to puke and i want to slap her
[131] are you having fun? NO ha
[132] what time is it? 4 10
[133] who makes you laugh? stuff
[134] who's your favorite teacher? MRS DELUKE OWNS
[136] what is the best concert you have ever been to? NONE
[137] what is your favorite dream? none, cause i am dreaming weird cause i dont have my blanket
[138] what is your worst dream? all of them
[139] are you tired of filling this out yet? YES
[140] who of your friends do you think will get bored with this? any of them
[141] who sent this lovely survey to you? no one
[142] what's your worst memory as a little kid? i dont know
[143] have you ever cheated on anyone/been cheated on? nope
[144] do you believe in santa claus? no
[145] do you believe in ghosts? yes

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