(no subject)

Oct 12, 2005 19:45

X. Starting time: 7: 45
X. Name:  jessi (i seriously don't consider my name to be jessica at all)
X. Nicknames:  jess?
X. School:  srhs
X. Eyes: brown i swear they have gold in them
X. Height: 5 3?
X. Siblings: 2 brothers (like 20 and 22)
X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: sure
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: almost, because the road was flooded and no one was home, so i called britni
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: i prefer to not light my body on fire
X. Kept a secret from everyone: not from everyone...if i have a secret it is most likely something one other person would know
X. Had an imaginary friend?: yes i did. she was a purple and pink polka dotted octopus, she lived in the little "cove" or whatever you would call it in my woods and she would come play basketball with me and stuff, yeah i was cool
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend:  anyone that i would want to "hook up with" would have been my friend before
X. Cried during a Flick:  pssht yeah. i almost cried in "just like heaven" or whatever i just saw

X. Had a crush on a teacher:  ha. no.
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot:  probably, but i can't think of an example
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape:  nope
X. Prank called someone:  not personally
X. Been on stage: yep


X. Shampoo: oh man. i dont know. for some reason the smell of the v05 free me freesia and kiwi lime make me extremely happy
X. Colors:  red? i dont know
X. Day/Night:  night i guess, as long as i am not alone, but i get scared at night. i think i like it because there aren;t things i need to be doing normally and it is cooler out
X. Summer/Winter:  winter, but summer for no school or something, i dont know winter sucks when i freeze my ass off
X. Online Smiley:  (;
X. like (love) anyone:  pssht. Jordan
X. Known the longest of your friends:  i dont know.
X. Name your best friend(s):  jordan, rachel, mikayla, sammy, callie, rene, kelsey, a lot of people i suppose
X. Who's the loudest: sammy? i dont know 
X. Who's the shyest:  rachel
X. Who do you go to for advice: i dont really, maybe rene and kelsey
X. Who do you cry with:  uh?

----------IN THE LAST 2 Weeks------------

X. Cried:   yes
X. Cut your hair: no i should though
X. Worn a skirt:  yes
X. Been mean:  probably in the morning, because i can't handle 7am
X. Been sarcastic:  noooo survey, i don't like saarrcaasssm
X. Missed someone:  sure, like during classes and from the hours of like 8:30pm to 7:30am
X. Hugged someone:  yes
X. Fought with your parents:  probably
X. Wished upon a star:  no i dont think so
X. Laughed until you cried:  i t hink
X. Played Truth or Dare: nope
X. Watched a sunrise/sunset: kind of every morning on the bus taht i am not sleeping i watch the sunrise, it is really amazing, i don't get how anyone can see it and not like sit and stare in amazement
X. Went to the beach at night: not in the past two weeks
X. Read a book for fun:  no
X. Ate a meal: yeah
X. Are you lonely?: at the moment yes
X. Are you happy:  a bit
X. Are you talking to someone online: no, i feel as though i have been "boycotted" by internet people haha

------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----

X. God/Devil:  well, i dont know, not exactly
X. Love: of course
X. The Closet Monster: sometimes
X. The Big Bang Theory?: shit, i know i learned what it was too, i know what it has to do with, probably
X. Heaven/Hell: no
X. Superstitions: yeah kind of
X. What is your full name?  Jessi *cough 'ca cough* lee becke
X. Who named you?: the doctor..who the hell do you think named me...my parents named me
X. Backstreet Boys or N Sync?  neither
X. When was the last time you showered?  5 fucking 30 am
X. What was the last thing that you said online?  something about not meaning to keep the ddr pad this long
X. What is right next to you?:   everything...the arms to this chair
X. What is your computer desk made of?  fake wood, plyboard shit
X. What was the last thing that you ate?   mcdonalds good chicken
X. What is your favorite state?:  i dont know, i think georgia is probably really awesome, but here i like especially because of the sky always looking amazing
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: i will probably have an idea when it gets closer to that part of my life hah
X. Who -do you want- (are you going) to spend the rest of your life with?:   jordan
X. How many buddies do you have on your list:   207
X. How's the weather right now?:  probalby hot and moist haha
X. What did you do last night?: i went to the mall and movies
X. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? everything about him, you can figure out the him
X. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: it doesnt matter, and jordan, i dont know what color to call your hair so i cant write it
X. Pizza or ice cream? pssht, both
X. How do YOU eat an Oreo?  i eat the inside and give the outside to rachel
X. Dream car? ha,i dont know, an old volkswagon bus or beetle i have wanted forever
X. What do you want to be when you grow up? an interior designer most likely
X. What are your future goals?: family, pets, house, jordan, job, college, see the northern lights 'aurora borealis' if thats how you spell it
X. Favorite music?: everything
X. Least favorite time of the year: august-september: hurricanes, school starting, psat or sat shit,
X. Fast or slow?: slow then fast then slow again?? ha what is this talking about?
X. Did you notice that number 90 was missing?: there are no goddamned numbers, therefore no
X. If you could change your name, what would it be?:  something awesome
X. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?:  nope
X. Have you ever been in love? of course, and i always will be
X. What will your first son's name be?:  xander!
X. Favorite drink?: peach sunsewt smoothie
X. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: both
X. Lust or Love?:  love
X. Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: yeah i guess haha
X. Do you want your friends to do this survey?: i dont care at all
X. When's your birthday? july 24
X. How old will u be?:  16
X. Time done?   8: 07

First(s) . Memories
Age of your first kiss?: 14!
Who was your first crush.boyfriend.girlfriend?: probably shea griggs or this kid named kyle in kindergarden
What is your first memory of?: i dont know, because my memories may be memories of pictures
Age you first drank?: 14 or 15
First nightmare?: taht i remember, i think it was kind of funny, this was in 1st grade or before and my family and my cousin colin were at my old elementary school and captain hook was there and everyone was afraid of him but colin fought him. i dont know if that is a nightmare
First time you got your period?: one week after i turned 13
First time you got an erection?: i was 7. i have HUGE erections. my shlong gets hard easily.
First dentist appt?: how should i know
First breakup?: 5th grade
Your first best friend?: natalia. N.a.t.a.l.i.a thank you for teaching me to spell your name so rhythmically, i will never forget it haha. if i could talk to her again one day that owuld be awesome
Do you remember your first Christmas?: nope
First word you said?: airplane/coconut (aside from like no, mommy and daddy, i am assuming)
Sandbox or monkey bars?:ugh, both have their flaws..sand sucks somtimes and monkey bars hurt your hands
The kid playing tag or drawing?: either
This or That?  yeah, i was going to answer this as a question, i bolded it so it isnt confusing
Hot chocolate or tea?: i like both
Paris of Nikki Hilton?:neither? i dont know maybe paris...to support matt at least
Bedtime or awaketime?: awaketime, but i love sleeping because i dotn do it enough
Football or Basketball?: i am warming up to football haha, i can totally throw one, i used to play basketball all the time
early bird or wake at noon?: ha. i like waking up early when i get enough sleep so that i still have a day to do shit
Coco-Puffs or Raisin Brain?: coco puffs, i have an extreme craving for them recently
American eagle or PacSun?: hmm. both are highly overworn, but both are cool
Hoodies or sweaters?: hoodies, not that i ahve ever had one...i need to remember things like this for my christmas list so i actually get stuff...i need to remember that i want an awesome jacket too
Sking or Snowboarding?: i used to want to snowboard really bad
Long hair or short?:i dont know, mine i have been told looks better short
Blue or Brown eyes?: doesnt matter
Brains or Brawns?: brains?
Reading or Writing?: i dont care
Watching movies or watching tv?:movies,unless it is fosters, fosters rules all
Singing or Playing an instrument?:  singing or guitar, i do really like singing now that i dont think i suck as bad
Pencil or pen?: pencil i guess
Shaved or all-hair?: what? who? where?
Braclets or Necklaces?: both
Gold or Silver?: silver
Snow or Rain?:snow would be cool once and a while
Boys or Girls?: boys
Blondes or Brunetts?:brunettes
Doctors or Dentists?: bleh..fuckers, my old dentist was the shit
Eminem or Dave Matthews Band?: eminem
At the theaters or on the couch?: couch...
Reality Shows or Sitcoms?: sitcoms
Britney or Christina?: christina
Naughty or Nice?: both
Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny:  easter bunny!
Thing you ate?: chicken selects
Song you listened to?: something on ddr
Time you cried?: almost yesterday at the movies
Phone call you recieved?: from jordan...i have recieved no phone calls
IM you sent?: 'i meant to press enter a long time ago'
Fight you had?:  i dont know, never a physical one haha
Failing grade you got?:  i have no clue
Thing you smiled over?: i dont know, something funny me or dan said most likely
Website you viewed?:this one
Thing you wrote on paper?: an algebra problem
Time you slept?: last night until 5:12, then 5:22, then 5:30
Candy bar you ate?: i tried a twix a few days ago
Time you went minature golfing?:  probably my birthday two years ago or so, i am sure i cried
Thing you thought about?: the last question
Dream you had?: i wont remember any until i am in my dream mood thing, when i just wake up
Time you got your hair done?: will be saturday
Time you got a hug?: :( 3:20pm
Person you kissed?: jordan, my love
What time is it?: 8:27
What are you doing?: rocking in this chair an wiping my lips because they are chapped or something
Whats your favorite scent?: tea, peach, rosewood tea
Do you have any animals?: i am such an animal, not really, but i dont have some pets
What do you want to go to college for?: interior design/decorator or something
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: the kind that says exciting
Sports or Music?: music music music music music
Real or Fake?: i am so fake, especially my MASSIVE boobs, that i dont really have...real

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