Shoggoth's Old PeculiarI love this story. Plus it is a 1st Ed. kjasdf;ws.
Stardust Graphic NovelBecause I am a brat who wants the '98 version nice and signed and not beat up (like my '98) to go along with the hardbound nice and signed '06 one.
A Study in Emerald Posteromg why did I spend so much today D: I would buy this RIGHT NOW, lksjldfs.
Postcards from BarcelonaThis as well.
Doctor Who: The Clockwise Man (Hardcover) Field Notes Three-Pack Kay Kay pack thingThat is only if you really really like me. Which I hope you do.
Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebodylol ):
ANYWAY. I am a billion years late on this... but the point is, congrats to Becky, Ba, Moon, and Vasilis! Wizard named PIXU Best Self Published comic of 2008. Hell yes.
I don't know if I want to go see Firejerks and The Swellers at Reggie's anymore. Love those bands and that venue, but I miss moots so much. Ugh. Decisions, decisions...