They cut off all but the most basic web access from work, which severely reduces the amount of time per day I have with real access to real sites. It's a sad state of affairs.
mine too, but as you can see, it doesn't stop me. :-D i can't get on most social networking sites, yet i can get on lj .... i can't get on craigslist, but i can get on westword ... i can't get on a site that has "beer" in the name, but i can get on the website for The New Pornographers just fine. it's completely arbitrary.
Wow, that is an odd filter. Mostly they've blocked everything fun for us, but we can still do most work-related things. The rage when I can't get to something I legitimately need is sort of over the top. I've become numb to the pain of not being able to read blogs or shop.
Comments 8
Actually, we miss you and wish you would post more often. You could at least waste time on Facebook like the rest of us.
Hope all is well, miss reading ya'.
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