TEN random things about me:
10. i think the best feeling in the world is the little tingles in my arms when i stretch them
9. my favorite colors are blue and green...
8. ...but i think in general i look better in orange
7. i can speak some sign language
6. i'm going to be in an experimental film
5. i love clove cigarettes even though they're horrible for me
4. i can french inhale/waterfall inhale
3. i don't have a license
2. someone kissed me last night
1. i only have 5 cool points left... oh wait... damn. i'm so not cool.
NINE ways to win my heart:
9. be all emo
8. don't hate me cuz i'm beautiful. lol...
7. don't be jealous of me for what i've made out of my life (like my SAT scores or my grades or something)
6. bring me flowers.
5. call me
4. think about me often, and let me know you're thinking about me
3. don't need a reason to stop by and see me
2. respect me and my views/beliefs
1. don't fucking treat me like shit, especially if i give you more than you deserve.
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8. go to another country
7. break my nailbiting habit
6. become fluent in another language (french, here i come..)
5. have at least 3 plays, 4 short stories, 1 novella and 10 poems published
4. become completely secure with myself
3. be in an experimental film (yay, this one will actually happen!)
2. create the best website EVER... maybe.
1. love someone and be loved back unconditionally.
SEVEN ways to annoy me:
7. treat me like shit. go ahead and try it.
6. lie to me.
5. hate people and/or me.
4. don't let me get any sleep.
3. try to control me.
2. take away the things i love.
1. make lots of loud noises.
SIX things I believe in:
6. friendship
5. unconditional, romantic love
4. myself! :D
3. the LAWS of PHYSICS!
2. the goodness of people
1. that a little tea/chocolate/ice cream can make everything better.
FIVE things I'm afraid of:
5. spiders/centipedes/silverfish/bugs with more than 6 legs and/or stingers
4. dying
3. heights
2. being alone
1. dying alone by being pushed off a 20 story building by a silverfish
FOUR of my fav items in my room:
4. my bed
3. my wall in all it's beautifulness
2. my laptop :D
1. my blankets and pillows
THREE things I do everyday
3. go online
2. eat
1. think more than i should
TWO things I want to do right now:
2. sleep
1. cuddle
ONE person I want to see right now: